Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The barbeque


When Ranjit woke up in the morning, he felt a dull pain on the head. He was somewhat hazy as he felt his head. The room was dark and the bed hard, unlike his usual bright room that opened up to the sky with birds chirping from the trees and the noise of vessels from the kitchen. He faintly remembered that he had left his friends and entered in the evening the reserved forest area across the road where he saw a young spotted deer. No one entered the place. He could remember nothing more of that evening except the thud on his head till he went blank.

It has been more than a fortnight since the boy of eight years found himself in a tenement with a tall and big man, dark in colour, yellow teeth and matted hair. He evoked fear when he smiled but he did no harm. He provided him with food that seemed different and unpalatable but he brought many fruits of different varieties. But his cries to send him back to his place elicited a stony silence. When he asked where he was, he signaled he would tell later but warned him never to stir out of the dwelling. He was however kind often patting him and rubbing his chin and arms. He could speak a little Hindi with a heavy accent of his language.

It was a week later, he heard one day a lot of people playing drums and indescribable shouts and what seemed like singing in hoarse voices till late in the night. Ranjit felt the smell of acrid smoke and something burning accompanied by screams in pain and shouts of joy. The boy shivered in fear and lay cuddled in the bed. The entire atmosphere was eerie and there was no way of seeking the help of his parents. There was no inkling of what his parents did to trace him. He always cried when the big man was not around and dozed off to sleep.

When the man arrived later and the drum beats became louder and the voices shriller, Ranjit asked what they were all about. He spoke slowly, “Today is a festival day. There is a gathering to sing and dance followed by an annual dinner where many animals would be roasted as in barbeque. The entire village would rejoice, drink and dance and have their dinner. A festival much looked forward,”

“I am scared to hear human voices and our language amid the shouts. Are people from our parts there?” he asked

The heavily built man did not reply but just showed his yellow teeth in what seemed to be a smile.

“Are you not going for dinner?” asked Ranjit.

“No, I prefer to have a tasty homely meal tonight. It is getting late. Go, have a bath and scrub well,” he said softly.



  1. Ouch..but perfect short story..Reader is left to imagine- asit ganguly

  2. A cannibal twist πŸ˜› Regards - Mahesh

  3. Another fine piece of fiction and such powerful thinking. Was indeed a good read and beyond imagination of course :)

  4. Oh no, Am I imagining things! Hope what I think is not true! God please save Ranjit!
    Superb weaving of the story! / padmaja

  5. You are back with your usual twist and natural flow of writing ! YAY! Keep writing !


  6. OH my God! What an unexpected and horrifying twist. I wished you had gone on to save Ranjit but leaving his escape or doom to our imagination has a bigger impact to the narration. What an imagination!! Great plot! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  7. Leaving the imagination of the reader to dance about in the prospects :))
    - Srini Raghavan

  8. This story is entirely different to your other stories. Typical thriller. Scary too! Suspense till the last line then you have left it at that for our 'imagination', scary imagination. Well narrated story.

  9. The master story teller at work. This is a superb example of a script that taps the entire gamut of human feelings effortlessly. The fearful will have nightmares. The soft hearted will cry. The outraged will demand nothing less than bloody retribution in their imagined horror. Ufff... What skill!

  10. A good one yet again. Love the twist, keep writing, Master weaver at one of his best.

  11. What a fantastic short story, creepy and scary too. I read the story twice to try and convince myself that you weren't hinting at what I thought you were!! Poor Ranjit....

  12. Excellent. Readers left to imagine. Eerie.interesting.

  13. Great story. Only the dialogs and situation described. And ending not given. Good one.

  14. Macabre! Oh my God! Another story on the grit and grime of this world 😒😒😒


  15. A gripping open ended story where so much is left to readers ' imagination

  16. Kept the negativities aside and imagined an ending like the man was the boy's true father/ grandfather but not able to stake a claim ( this is how far I can go)and had nothing to do with the macabre and horrifying acts
    outside! Would love to read your designed plot with a climax that has many twists and turns as your stories:)

  17. Oof!! Interesting read! Unexpected storyline that keeps one’s imagination active!
