Monday, December 11, 2023

Was it a faint signal?

Sushil had beer almost daily in the evenings after office hours with his friends at the local restaurant. They occupied the same corner table and shared the bill equally. For the last fortnight, It was the same waitress who served them daily. Her large blue eyes, smiling face and swaying hips did something to Sushil that can hardly be explained and he knew he was in love with her. He tried many times to pick some conversation with her but she never spoke one unnecessary word with him though courteous. There was a certain professionalism in her that forbade any overtures to her from him. Sushil was not defeated and his visits continued hoping someday she would relent.

One day as she was bringing the tray with bottles, glasses and ice, she accidentally dropped the napkin. Sushil immediately pounced on it and gave it to her with a flourish. Impressed with his chivalry. she took it from him with thanks, a smile, and what he presumed was a faint wink unseen by others. 

Sushil was astounded by this gesture and announced with great joy and gusto to his friends,” Hey, today’s beer binge will be on me. Drink as much as you wish.” His puzzled buddies were surprised at his generosity and wondered what went wrong with their usually tight-fisted friend.

He could not sleep the whole night and was tossing on his bed thinking about her and her secret wink.  He fantasized about what if she were unmarried and looking for a male friend. He expected that she would respond favourably if he approached her tactfully as he was well employed, good looking and free from any encumbrance. He decided to pursue the matter by visiting the restaurant alone.

The next evening, he left the office early, dressed himself well with a liberal spray of cologne and was at the usual table sharp by 4 pm. The hall was almost empty as it was a bit early. He was eagerly waiting for her to appear. There was no sign of her for nearly 15 minutes when another young lady came to take orders.

 Disappointed, he kept quiet for a while but summoned the courage to ask,” Where is the other lady who usually served this table? I was expecting her here."

“Are you asking about Sushri? She has just come. I will send her presently if you are very particular about her,” she said with a mischievous smile.

"Not like that. Please send her if you do not mind. She has been very professional, well-mannered and served us well when I was with my friends here last evening. Just wanted to thank her."

It took some time before he heard a voice from behind, "Good evening, Sir, I am Sushri. My colleague told me that you wanted me specifically to thank me for serving you yesterday. Yes, I remember your kind gesture yesterday and wish to thank you myself. What would you like to have?" she said as she got ready with the small notebook for his order.

"I wanted to thank you not only for the very good service you always render but also for your sweet acknowledgement when I procured the fallen napkin. I was thinking about that last night and wished to meet you today," Sushil said.

“What sweet acknowledgement you are referring to?” she asked with surprise.

“I saw the faint twinkle yesterday at the corner of your left eye when I gave you the fallen napkin," he said.

"Oh, no, It could be an involuntary twitch of the muscle that happens once or twice a month. What did you take it for, a wink or what? goodness gracious" she asked.

“Yes, I took it for a subtle wink and wished to talk to you,” he replied greatly disappointed.

“Gosh!, I am sorry, I get this involuntary twitch of the eye muscle once or twice a fortnight. Please do not mind. I will come presently with your order,” she left

As he was sitting morose, she came with a tray in her hand and said as she placed it on the table, “Here is what you wished for. I hope it pleases you,’ she said with a smile when Sushil saw the faint wink again for a tad longer in her eyes.

Sushil sat bemused thinking whether it was a twitch or a real wink hoodwinking him saying it was involuntary even as she went inside giggling all the way.


  1. Wink is nothing but a voluntary twitch! Second chances are rare!!

  2. The difference between a wink and a twitch is the difference between romance and reality (JJ)

  3. Twitch in the eye to the same guy twice? She may be a teaser or a F Bxxch. I have seen personally in my life.

    1. It's just good fun. No need to get abusive, please๐Ÿ™


    2. Are you the blog moderator? If there is a problem let the writer of this post take action.

  4. Wonderful, conclusion left to readers' imagination. Twitch is involuntary, while wink is voluntary. Either she genuinely has a twitching problem or pulling a fast one on Sushil. Albeit, sushi totally flustered.

  5. A story with a subtle romantic note. Or was it a story with a subtle reality ? ( involuntary twitch ) He should ask her next time ๐Ÿ˜€.


  6. Yes, when the heart rules, reality takes a back seat.

  7. Story exposes the limitations of Beer, story would have been different with other drinks.

  8. The mind always sees what it wishes to๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. I was just thinking about the comic Bollywood scene in many films about the twitch or tic being mistaken for a wink, and that’s what happened here too!Nice lighthearted story.

  10. Nice, fun story! Perhaps she did and perhaps she didn't? ๐Ÿ˜‚


  11. She seems to be teasing him! She sees so many men everyday! All sorts of men. This man should realise it. But nice story, Kp.....Sandhya

  12. Nice, light-hearted story

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It is good to see you continuing your blog. Cheers!

  15. Life is all about taking a chance, he could have asked her out for a date, point-blank, that's all, instead of worrying so much. Regards - Mahesh

  16. Was 'unpardonably amused' at the classic confusion of the 'incorrigibly romantic' soul as to whether it had really been a signal from the 'professionally pucca' waitress or not!

  17. Story is really good. It gives scope to readers to think. It is humorous too.

  18. Now I need to ask you this question. Was it in Trinkas, Kolkata? :-)
    Good story. Made me remember many such incidents in my life, though I am a near teetotaler! :-)

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  19. Captivating and heartwarming! Your beautifully crafted words painted a vivid picture of blooming romance or is it..the next twist of a booming baritone of her hisband who happens to be the owner of the restobar!

  20. What happens next?
    More winks to follow ;) ;)

  21. Nice romantic story

  22. Smart lady, keeps the hero of the story and the the readers guessing!

  23. Light hearted story. The end is left to the reader’s imagination. When we have a hectic day, these kind of stories make you feel light. Your language is so good. Professional touch!!! Keep rocking. Ranjani Murali
