Monday, May 27, 2024

Manoj's predicament (401 words)


Manoj was in deep debt and was threatened by recovery agents with dire consequences if he failed to return the money. He was the sole breadwinner for his parents and younger siblings. He could see no way to clear the debt except to seek refuge in God He left a few hundred of rupees with his parents and told them he would be back in two days.

He travelled to Tirupati ticketless and stood in the long queue for a free darshan safe from the recovery agents for two days. As the queue moved slowly, he prayed with closed eyes, “My lord, show me a way out, other than suicide. I cannot think of any other way to resolve the problem. The ruffians have given me the ultimatum that if I do not pay immediately, they will break my limbs and throw us all out of our house. If I am freed of this burden of debts, I promise to renounce the world and be your devotee and at your service forever.”

Everyone around in the vicinity saw the handsome and young Manoj praying intensely with tears flowing from his eyes.

When the queue pushed him, he opened his eyes and was surprised to find a bundle of yellow cloth lying hidden behind a pillar. Someone must have dropped it, meant for the Hundi, by mistake. He hid the bundle securely in his dhoti. All his problems vanished in a trice like snowflakes before the sun. God in his infinite mercy, he thought, had answered his prayer. He rightly decided to honour his promise from the very moment he found the bundle. 

As he left the temple and walked into the bazaar the thought, of missing fancy dress, a motorbike, and a binge of good food with beer, tormented him. Undeterred, he wore an ochre robe. His mind was restless as he sat again in the temple in his yellow clothes. Tears trickled from his eyes as he realised it would not be easy to take to Sanyasa. It was a promise he foolishly made in haste. He was now in a quandary not knowing how to get out of this tricky situation he had invited upon himself. His eyes with tears flowing were closed in deep thought. 

Then he heard a voice,” Pack up. The day’s shooting is over,” even as the director patted him and said,” Well done, Manoj.”




  1. Fantastic twist akin to the classics of Maupassant. Regards - Mahesh.

  2. Did not expect this ending.

  3. That was an unexpected twist. Loved the story. Typical of man to pledge in haste and retract when granted favour. Honestly, in awe of your capabilities in bringing the twist to the story.

  4. I was expecting a twist in the tale... Sandhya

  5. The author keeps the audience guessing till the end with supeb suspense!

  6. Jagannatha Rao A.SMay 28, 2024 at 2:23 AM

    For an youngster, to renounce all worldly things would be very hard. Thank God it was a shooting of a movie.

  7. Read through.. so this is a scene from a movie shoot? - or a dream? As usual makes interesting reading- wanting to know what is coming next! Waiting for the narrative to end in an exciting event , the climax was the simple: Pack up !!😊😆Rama Sampath Kumar

  8. Though the twist was expected, as usual from KP's pen, not this way of a super suspense of film shooting ! Waiting for the next thriller !

  9. What a twist in the tale of a Lotus eater !

  10. Hmm... that was an end I wasn't prepared for! :-)
    Thank you for sharing!

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  11. Loved the twist :). Back to the old twist in the tale KP :)

  12. N L KrishnamurthyMay 28, 2024 at 8:39 PM

    Nice story. Sudden end.🙏

  13. Nice story.ramakrishnan.a.

  14. Surprise ending! Good one.

  15. So cool.
    Movie story! The great actor sincerely immersed himself in his role :)

  16. Amazing story! Loved the completely unexpected twist! 👍👍👍


  17. The only words that came to one's mind after reading the story were 'Good Lord!'.

  18. Nice twist after building up the suspense!
