Thursday, August 25, 2011

Clandestine meeting

It was past 12 in the night. It has been drizzling since evening.Sharmila sat comfortably in the taxi for this long drive to the palatial house on the outskirts of the city. The taxi driver was known to her and knew the place. She always employed him for these midnight visits. The person she was to meet is a prominent figure and took care to avoid any adverse publicity. He insisted that they meet only during late hours when the city slept. She visited him once or twice a month as he was very busy with state affairs and surrounded by countless secretaries and officials even at his residence

These meetings are known only to the two and very discreetly arranged especially when his wife was sent away on some pretext to another city. Sharmila did not like these nocturnal meetings and the secrecy that accompanied them. She was willing to meet him like any other in the day time at his private room. But he was not agreeable and insisted on the clandestine meetings.

Sharmila, hardly 25, was an attractive brunette, tall and with a golden skin that glowed. She knew that she was a head turner and made the hearts of young men flutter and smiled to herself with satisfaction at the admiration she received whenever she walked in the mall or public places.

“Can you please drive faster? I have an appointment at 1am and I cannot afford to be late even by a minute” she said to the driver

“It is drizzling Ma’m and the road is not good. Still I will be able to reach there in ten minutes, don’t worry” the driver assured.

She became silent, adjusted her hair, had quick touch up and applied on her face and neck ChloƩ fragrance from the tiny perfume bottle in her bag. As if they knew in advance, the gate was open and the taxi drove straight to the portico.

“Do wait. It will not take more than one hour” she told the driver as she quickly and silently walked in to take the stairs to the first floor. She gently knocked the door and lingered for a few seconds before she entered.

“Come in my child. You are on dot even when it is raining. Come and sit close to me, my dear” the politician said.

As she snuggled close to him with his arms wrapped around her, she started sobbing and telling “Grand pa, I hate this secrecy. It does not look good. Why don’t you make known to everybody our relationship? Why are you scared?”

“My sweet little girl, it is not so easy. There are many vested interests trying to oust me from this position. If a scandal were to break out that is the end. You know my wife. She is a termagant and will hit the roof if she knows our relationship. I cannot tell her that your late mom is an illegitimate daughter of mine. Please wait for an opportune moment. Stop crying. Take this wad of money and the other gifts” he said as he affectionately passed his hands over the head of his grandchild.


  1. everything went on well.. felt even sorry for the old man.. but the wad of money and gifts.. made a slur over his personality.. Or was it made intentional.. Not every follies have to be punished forever.. maybe he too needs the love of his grand daughter..but now still feel sorry for him..

  2. ..... Secrets and the pains that come with them. mmmmm.....

  3. Interesting. Typical politician thinks all can be bought with money & gifts, clings to power, fails to accept realities.

    In my opinion Sharmila should not accept the cash/gifts. Cash /gifts are no replacement for non acceptance of relationship.

  4. Will gifts and wads of money enough to nullify a mistake he committed in his life.Is he bribing her. Jai Anna Hazare!!!

  5. The greand daughter seems to be well off. She should not take money from him until she is given due recognition. Even the security at the gate can tip the politician's wife or the media!

    Anyway, the narration is good as always, Partha Sir!

  6. Nice twist towards the end..! Tells you how hunger for position and power can make us vulnerable!

  7. Aw.. a sweet story indeed..!

  8. It was a great story. Only one thing doesn't seem fit - 'her sobbing'.

  9. I am sorry KP. Looks like all my comments have a 'but' clause to it. I will try not to point out things like that.

    As some one said earlier, you have the right as the author to say things the way you percieve it.

    So, go ahead, bring it on!

  10. Another good one uncle.. may be u can try for a story on love story of young couple!! i wanna read some of that sort from you.


  11. I did not think the story would end this way. Good twist.

  12. Feel sorry for such relationships. One can feel the pain of both the grandfather and his granddaughter.

  13. I feel sorry for the girl.not for grand pa as his pain is brought by his hunger for power..why cant people give preference to relationships over power and money, but then nothing would have happened if he was not promiscuous.

  14. These types of grandfathers dont deserve love from their grandkids.. thats what I think..

  15. Don't have sympathy for the old man.

    (Do you live in NC?)

  16. I was ofcourse expecting a twist.. as usual, but grand pa and grand daughter was really too good.. the tension was build up very nicely.. great story...
