Sunday, August 19, 2018

Paid back in the same coin

It was early morning and the sun had just arisen. Deepak could not sleep due to jet lag and came out to the balcony. He saw on the road some elders on their morning walk, paper boys cycling speedily with bundles of dailies on the carrier and women pushing the carts with milk packets to deliver. An old woman with basketful of spinach of different varieties was heard shouting” keerai, keerai.” He could smell the aroma of coffee from the electric filter in the kitchen and hear his mom lighting lamp in the puja room. As he turned to go inside, he saw a young woman in her mid-twenties staring at him from the opposite balcony. What a chiseled beauty he thought even as he stopped going in to look at her. To his surprise she did not lower her face but continued to gaze at him. She was very appealing in her yellow top and jeans with a cup of coffee in her hand. Surprised at her nonchalance, he continued to stare at her with interest.
Hearing shuffle of feet behind, he turned to see his mom smiling with a cup of coffee in her hands. “Poor thing,” she mumbled as she saw the young woman and said “Come in, my cup is on the dining table. We can sit there.” He turned once again to see the young woman but she had gone inside.
As they settled down sipping coffee, he asked, “You said poor thing. What was that? Whom were you referring to?”
“I was thinking about Sharanya the young lady you saw in the opposite apartment. Do you know she is totally blind? They have come recently here. Very nice family and very talented one she is. If only she were not blind, I would have….,” she trailed off without completing the sentence.
“Was she born blind”
“Her mom told me that her vision was going down of late. Can you examine her? I have told her mom that you are a big eye surgeon in US and that you would be coming here.”
“No problem, amma. I can examine her in my friend Akshay’s eye clinic. You can tell them. You said she is talented. In what areas? asked Deepak.
“She is an expert in Carnatic and Hindustani classical music and has given public recitals. She has such a sweet voice that you can listen to her endlessly. She is a post graduate in economics. I can ask them to come. You can even talk to her.”
He was greatly surprised when around 3 pm his mom came to his room to tell,” Freshen up and come to the living room. Sharanya and her mom have come.”
“HI, I am Deepak. Nice to meet you. Amma was mentioning about you both,” he said with a smile. She looked really beautiful in close quarters in her pink top and black legging.
“Mami told me that you have come and suggested that I bring Sharanya. First time we are meeting a renowned eye surgeon informally like this,” Sharanya’s mother said.
“Ha ha, nothing renowned and all that. I obtained my doctorate and am now working in Sanfransisco. I will examine her tomorrow at 9am in my friend’s clinic. Do you know Akshay’s eye hospital in Alwarpet?” he said.
“Thank you for readily agreeing to examine,” he heard Sharanya speak in a soft voice.
“Welcome. We will talk about eye tomorrow. Amma was all praise for your talent in music. I have a great liking for Carnatic music and listen to it almost daily in the evenings. Amma was telling me you give public recitals. I hope they must be there in YouTube. Glad my Indian patient is a renowned vocalist,” he said with a loud guffaw followed by laughter from all the three before him.
Deepak’s mom got up telling that she will get coffee with Sharanya’s mom also getting up.
“I will show mami the new plants at the rear balcony. You be talking meanwhile to Sharanya,” said his mother.
He turned to Sharanya who was gawking at him with a smile in her face. Somewhat bewildered, Deepak showed two fingers and asked her how many fingers she saw. She looked at his direction for long and said “It is hazy, may be two or three.”
“Okay, we will see tomorrow. When your vision is restored to normal, what are your plans? Do you work anywhere?” he asked
She kept quiet for a while and then answered,” No, to be honest with you, I would also like to work in US after taking a doctorate in Stanford or Berkeley. Music is my hobby and not a profession.”
He was happy for no reason and said,” Good, a wise decision. We will be in the same city.”
They talked animatedly for about 30 minutes on variety of common interests when their moms entered with coffee cups in hand.
After sometime when they got up to leave and the two moms were talking, Deepak gently whispered, “I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow,” and she replied softly “Me too,” with a giggle.
Unable to sleep he got up in the early hours of night and thoughts of Sharanya with her pleasing looks, innocent giggles and intelligent conversation lingered in his mind for long till he dozed off.
“I see nothing wrong with your eyes. I have performed several different tests and procedures to check your vision as well as the overall health of your eyes. The examination was comprehensive. Tell me Sharanya honestly what exactly is the reason for this farce,” asked Deepak in a baffling manner.
She kept quiet for long looking at him with some trepidation. When prodded, she blurted,” Don’t take me amiss. This was a set up by your mom. She wanted us to meet and know each other. Since it appears you were adamant against marriage, she employed this subterfuge. She thought you would relent after meeting me. Are you upset with me?”
“No, I do not like such sly methods even if it is by my mom. Did you agree to this drama without any protest?”
“Initially I protested but after seeing you in the balcony, I changed my mind. I am sorry,” she lowered her head and spoke somewhat shyly.
“No need to be sorry. I have also changed my mind. Allow me to scare our moms for a moment before breaking the good news. Play along with me,” he said with a chuckle.
Putting on her face a thick brown frame with glasses as thick as the bottom of soda bottle, he took her outside to the waiting moms and said solemnly, “I did not expect her condition to be so serious. There is a speedy degeneration. Lucky you brought her today. Let her wear this glass till a surgery is performed. I will arrange for surgery this week itself.”
“What are you saying? Her eyes are perfect,” both the moms screamed shattered by the unexpected development.
Sharanya’s mother started sobbing but Sharanya could not control her laughter.
“Auntie, do not worry. It is manageable if both of you agree to one thing,” said Deepak
“What is that? We will agree surely,” cried both of them in chorus.
“It is simple. Send Sharanya with me permanently. She is willing,” he said with a wink and added turning to Sharanya,” What do you say.” Turning to his mom he said ” Amma,I hope I have your approval.”
There were loud peals of laughter even as Sharanya snuggled close to Deepak.


  1. Really Nice way to start a Sunday on good note. As always loved the narration and the twist. Please keep them coming.

  2. Wasn't there any other way the mother could get her son like the girl? Narration is excellent, but ..I am touchy about the blindness acting part.

  3. Great present on our 40th anniversary together. Loved it.

  4. You are a master narrater. Whoever not reading yours are missing the lovely narration and the twist you produce. Seeks your blessings.

  5. Gripping story line/narration. Thank god, everything is fine. Enjoyed reading, Kp

  6. Very nice and pleasing to read. But will this happen for real? I doubt it.

  7. All your stories are marvelous πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌin the beginning I realised that Sharanya could be blind but then after everything was totally unexpected 😍 I always love stories with happy ending as most of us prefer.
    Also the strong aspect of each of your stories is that one can visualize it the way you pen it down... very picturesque. Thank you. Waiting for the next one...

  8. Hmmm...Wonder why such trysts happen mostly in stories!?☺ Good read!πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

  9. This is such a delightful story!!! The meddling maamis managed to do something good :)

  10. Of course a good eye surgeon would know immediately if the person is blind or not. But as another commenter said above, such happy coincidences and endings happen only in stories!

  11. Sly subterfuge indeed but for a happy cause.

  12. Hahaha. Finding our soulmate is always an unexpected tryst. Lovely!
