Friday, October 5, 2018

Pandian’s second wish

Pandian had come along with his three friends to explore the green dense forest on a Sunday afternoon and to spend time with nature to savour its raw beauty. He had heard there was a beautiful lake, clean and circular, surrounded by wild and colourful flower plants He wished to find it out and spend a few minutes. But his friends demurred telling it was getting dark. His enthusiasm overtook his caution and he went alone deeper inside after requesting them to wait for some time. Unfortunately, once inside every side looked alike and he lost his way and his friends. He tried to reach them through his mobile but the charge had drained.
 It was only 4pm but it was pitch dark. He heard unusual and strange noises and he was particularly afraid of slithering reptiles. He was scared and started praying even as he kept moving into the maze looking for a  clearing or brightness of sunlight. Something soft and cool slightly rubbed on his cheek and he jumped startled that it could be a python from the overhead branch.He could see nothing and moved away quickly.
After several harrowing minutes when he lost all hopes of escape, he was happy to see an opening that was a little brighter. When he went near, he found to his great relief,an old man of indeterminable age sitting bare bodied under a tree. He was sitting with his legs crossed in Padmasana, had a flowing white beard and his eyes were closed obviously in meditation. He sat quietly before him waiting for him to open his eyes. Pandian was afraid to disturb lest he got angry and refused to help him find his way out. Minutes clicked past and it was almost an hour and he was still sitting before him when the weird noises around him grew shriller and louder. But, nothing seemed to wake the old man from his musing. When a fly sat on the edge of Pandian’s nostril he could not stop the loud sneeze despite his attempt to smother it. It was then the old man opened his eyes and surprisingly smiled at Pandian.
In a soft voice that was almost a whisper, he asked “Son, what are you doing here in this dense forest? It is a risky place to be here with crawling reptiles and roaming wild animals.”
Pandian prostrated before him and prayed “Swami, I lost my way here and could not find my friends with whom I had come. I am afraid I have strayed deep inside the jungle. Can you kindly help me get out of the forest?”
“I have not seen a human for several years this far into the forest ever since I came here as a young boy in search of meaning of life. I am not normally visible to others eyes. Lucky you could see me. I am pleased with you. Ask me three wishes and they would be fulfilled immediately.’
“My first wish is to be out of this jungle” he said
“”It will be done immediately. Express  your other two wishes” said the sage like person
“Swami, I love Swarna, my former college mate very much but she is not reciprocating. Can you please make her fall in love with me?” asked Pandian
“What is your third wish? Tell me now this moment before I become invisible to your eyes”
“Swami, I am so tired and exhausted after the walk all day that I can scarcely think and  I wish I had a sound sleep before telling my third wish,Pandian said unwittingly.
Everything was blank till Pandian  heard his mother’s shrill voice, “Pandia, why are you sleeping like Kumbakarnan. You said you have an interview today. Get up fast as it is already late.”
I leave it to the readers to wonder like Pandian whether his  wish about Swarna would materialise.


  1. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Dream or third wish granted!!!nice story with a sense of humor. Hope he has a favorable result. You signature twist keeps us wondering. Beautifully written.

  2. There is an old riddle which the disciple asking the master, "I had a dream that I was a butterfly; when I got up I am not sure whether I am a human who dreamt that he was a butterfly or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am human.

  3. Somewhat different from your other stories. Interesting!

  4. It is upto the reader to decide whether it has a happy ending or not. Nice touch !
    Chitra Solomon

  5. Beautifully written. The twist comes at the right moment leaving it to our imagination. I think it was a dream.

  6. Hahaha Poor Pandian. Hoping that his wish comes true

  7. Very nice and thrilling story.I had a jerk when the mother woke him up from his dream!

  8. Interesting story generating an unexpected joke. 'One day Swarna will come on your way, pandia,don't worry.'.

  9. What?! You can’t leave us hanging like that KP!
    Come back and finish the story. Please.

    1. The last I heard was that the happily married Pandian and Swarna were scouting around in the forest for the Swami to ask him the third wish of an ultimate win in Kaun Banega Crorepati

    2. Ha ha! That is the second twist in the tale :)

    3. This was such a delightfully different story. Just as I was wondering about his getting his second wish in reality, I see your second twist in the tale. Did the Swamy grant the wish or was he able to persuade her? We will never know :)

  10. Another interesting shade to your colour palette. Leaves you wondering

  11. Nice! πŸ‘πŸ˜ Thank you!
    Definitely that’s a happy ending feel good story.

  12. Nice humorous story. It was giving a feeling of real happening when Pandian's mothers calling changed the scenario..

  13. Wonderful... Was it a dream after all?

  14. Difficult to wordsto praise your stories. You are a such a genius in giving twist to stories.

  15. This story is entirely different from your usual ones. Loved this too!

  16. Nice story. Good twist at the end. Pandian's wish about Swarna will not materialize because she already declined his proposal. NO means NO.

  17. Mentioning the draining of a mobile phone and a boon giving swamiji gave away the story half way through. Now regarding the question whether Swarna would reciprocate, that's a million dollar question.

  18. Mentioning the draining of a mobile phone and a boon giving swamiji gave away the story half way through. Now regarding the question whether Swarna would reciprocate, that's a million dollar question.

  19. Another nice one! Like every time, I was trying to guess ahead while reading! And like every time, there was an unexpected twist! I was eager to know about the third wish when the sudden unexpected end came.πŸ€” Or it might have been that Pandyan was a good soul and he could see the saint, but his wife could not. Well, I think it was his dream. For one of your replies to a comment, stating KBC, I could not stop laughing! What a combination of KBC, deep forest, invisible saint and a cell phone!! πŸ˜ƒ
