Friday, May 10, 2024

The revenge (925 words)

“Sunil, I understand you go daily to AIIMS hospital to visit your grandpa. Can you please do me a favour? Can you hand over this packet to my friend Roopa at South Extension Part I? It is not far from the hospital.  Tomorrow is her birthday and I am tied up with something urgent.” said Praveen, his next-door neighbour.

“Surely, please write her address and phone number on the packet. You can inform her that I will be at her place around 6.30 pm,” replied Sunil.”

Both have been neighbours at Karol Bagh for two decades and classmates in B.Com.

While Praveen was a tall and handsome guy with curly hair, Sunil was short and stodgy with receding hair. While Praveen was outgoing, a man of wit and intelligence and sociable, Sunil on the other hand was a hardworking, insular and cautious type. Their circles of friends were different. Sunil suffered from an inferiority complex compared to Praveen’s good looks, height and winsome personality. The womenfolk in the college and locality usually gravitated towards Praveen in any gathering to catch his attention while Sunil was left alone to fend for himself.

When Sunil pressed the bell at the address given, a charming woman in jeans and a brightly coloured top opened the door.

“Is it Ms. Roopa? I am Sunil and my neighbour Praveen requested me to hand over this packet to you,” said Sunil as he handed over a colourful box tied with ribbons.

“Yes, I am Roopa, please come in. I am sorry he troubled you when visiting your grandpa at the hospital,’’ she said as she looked at the packet eagerly.

“You can open and see what Praveen has gifted you,” teased Sunil laughingly.

On opening it hurriedly. she found a cute black pen and exclaimed,” My god, it is a Mont Blanc.”

“Mont Blanc, it is an expensive pen,” he said as he took the box and the pen and scrutinised carefully as the colour on his face changed unseen by Roopa.

He remembered Praveen’s visit to his room a couple of days before to return a book.  Sunil showed him then the black Mont Blanc pen he had got as a gift at a three-day paid workshop. A day later he noticed that the box in which the pen was kept was missing on the table where he had placed it. There were no other visitors. The old maid who worked for them for years was very honest. He never suspected Praveen but wondered how it could have so mysteriously vanished.

When he returned the pen to Roopa, he could not banish the thought it was his pen and Praveen must have stolen it. All the pent-up jealousy and inferiority complex he suffered from added to the anger that arose in him but he did not show any sign of it.

“Sunil ji has Praveen ever mentioned to you that we love each other for quite some time though our parents are not yet aware? I do not think there would be any hurdle as he is a qualified Chartered Accountant working in reputed E&Y, very handsome to boot and comes from an affluent family. I am just confiding in you as you are his good pal,” she said.

“Did he say that he is a Chartered Accountant and is with E&Y? We studied B. Com together and he was an articled clerk in a small auditor’s firm. Please make independent and discreet enquiries without asking him. It is always wise to be sure of qualifications and the job. He is surely a handsome guy with a winning persona but….,” Sunil bit his tongue and stopped talking.

“My god, what a foolish person, I have been. I was falling for him madly by his false words based only on his charm. He must be a cheat. Let me ask my dad to check and if he is a cheat, he will pay dearly for it,” she said furiously and added, “Is there anything else you would like to warn me about?”

“Nothing much, I know of except that he has many girlfriends meeting him and possibly going out. I must, however, say there is nothing wrong with having friends. Nevertheless, do have this in mind while you probe. I am sorry. Let this exchange be between us,” Sunil said before taking leave of her in a show of hurry.

While driving home, he was inwardly happy that he had sowed seeds of doubt in Roopa’s mind and taken revenge for the pen stolen by Praveen. Roopa may reveal his name eventually but who cares, Sunil thought.

As he switched on the light and surveyed his room, he could not believe his eyes when he found the pen box on the table. He opened hurriedly to see his Mont Blanc pen secure inside and collapsed in the chair with both hands on his head.

His mother who entered the room asked, “What happened? Why are you sitting like this as if you had lost a kingdom? How careless are you? The maid told me this afternoon that she found the pen box under your table beneath a newspaper.

“What a wretch I have been? How can I make amends for the heinous mistake now, I do not remember her number too” he racked his brain.

“Where are you going now at this hour, Sunil? You haven’t taken your dinner, “asked his mom anxiously as he hurried to his car.

“To South Extension. An important work to attend to immediately,” he replied.



  1. Wonder how you manage to come up with such simple yet fascinating stories to write about.

  2. Lakshmi SrinivasanMay 10, 2024 at 5:14 PM

    Wonderful simple story.I am so happy that Sunil decided to go back and correct the impression he had created to Roopa, once he found out the truth. It is very easy to blame others but It takes real guts to accept one's mistake.

  3. Nice story with an abrupt end though the rest is obvious. AVS Rao

  4. Haste makes waste - a friendship soured, a relationship broken, with one misunderstanding and jealousy. Very important to weigh one's words carefully. Thanks - Mahesh

  5. Jumping to conclusion without proper investigation leads to double trouble indded!

  6. A neat and simple story well narrated. Whew how wrong thoughts override our mind. A good conclusion with responsible action

  7. Not everyone gets a second chance to set things right. A simple story which insists to think twice , before we quickly judge any situation or anyone. 👍


  8. An interesting story. Enjoyed reading g it. Atin Biswas

  9. Que sera sera, whatever will be will be!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  10. The story is full of dramatic elements, namely, inferiority complex, jealousy, idea of taking revenge based on an unfounded suspicion, seeding doubts in the mind of an unsuspecting individual by feeding apparent misinformation, ultimate realisation on the grave wrongdoing, finally remorse and rectification!

  11. Wonderful story with a lovely twist

  12. Think twice before jumping to frame an opinion is the moral of this story. The positive side , Sunil was ready to repent and take corrective action.

  13. Enjoyed the story that brings out the unseen, pent-up prejudice a person may have, and just a trigger to bring it to light...

  14. The twists in your tale are what add spice to it! The unfolding of the story allows the readers imagining various other potential turning points.!

  15. One of the best stories you have written, Kp... People take decisions without thinking twice and regret later but here he has taken the bold step to rectify it.... Needs lot of guts to do it... A very well written story, Kp... Sandhya

  16. Nice story. If you say bad things about someone people will immediately believe without thinking whether it is true or not.

  17. Envy and jealousy could make us to think and do irrational things which is brought about so vividly in this story!

  18. So many emotions bundled into one story along with a rectifying action at the end. A great story about how important it is to think before you act.

  19. Not much of a revenge! Sunil is rushing to repair the damage he may have caused to Praveen’s reputation, if Praveen is indeed a CA with E&Y, it would come out eventually on verification.

  20. A very different story that ends with the protagonist taking corrective action for his wrongdoing. That action elevates his character, as conscience is a relentless punisher.
