Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Kindness from an unexpected source (1233)


Ranga Vilas is an old complex with a dozen tiled houses,  six on each side facing the other with a wide paved pathway in the middle. Each house had a veranda (porch) in the front. At the far end of the path, there was a row of six bathrooms and six separate toilets common for all houses. At the rear of the plot, there was one small room that was possibly a watchman's room earlier during construction. The tenants were far from affluent belonging to the lower middle class from different communities. The good landlord collected a small amount as rent, maintained the complex well and did not ask them to vacate.

It was in that small room Sankaran lived alone. A widower past 75, he had worked as a cook for many years with Rangaratnam, a rich businessman, who owned the complex. Being a kind man, he allowed his cook Sankaran to live rent-free in the small room on his retirement a few years back and gave him monthly a small amount for his living. To express his gratitude, Sankaran helped his master’s family in the kitchen on festival days or important days even to this day.

In the last house adjacent to Sankaran’s room, Vinayagam and his wife Shenbagam lived with their two school-going daughters, Amirtha and Ambuja. Three years back, when Sankaran heard Vinayagam severely scolding Amirtha for securing poor marks, he went to them and said” “Vinayagam, do not get angry with Amritha. She is not a dull girl. I will teach her daily in the evenings and make her get good marks. I can teach Ambuja too if you wish.”

“Uncle, she is in class 9 and her lessons are tough. I do not think you can handle it,” Vinayagam replied thinking how an old cook can teach to a high school student.

“Do not think I am an illiterate cook. I have studied up to intermediate and was a topper in my class. When my father who was a head cook died suddenly, I had to discontinue my studies and had to work as a cook in his team to take care of my family. Let us see for a month or two and if she does not score good marks, I will withdraw. I am offering to help her for free.”

“Sorry Uncle, please do not take me amiss. Both of you can start tomorrow itself. Ambuja will also join. We are very grateful to you,” replied Vinayagam.

Luckily for Sankaran, both were not duds. Once they understood the concepts and were made to do their homework daily before him, they commenced doing very well in their studies Vinayagam was very happy to see higher grades in their report cards after each successive term and thanked Sankaran profusely,

When Amirtha passed class 12 topping her school, the parent's joy was boundless. The entire family came with a packet containing a pair of new dhotis and shirts with a basket full of nuts and fruits and prostrated before him.

After the initial pleasantries, Sankaran asked,” What next Amirtha? You have got wonderful marks that all engineering colleges and RECs would gladly offer you a seat.”

The girl started to sob immediately. When Sankaran looked at Vinayagam, the latter coughed gently and requested Sankaran to come outside the room.

 When they were alone together, Vinayagam said,” You know very well, Uncle, my financial circumstances. We are living hand to mouth trying to make both ends meet with difficulty. I have a small job in a private company. After office hours, I work in a shop to earn extra income. How can I admit her to engineering college? Even an ordinary graduation course would be tough on me. This foolish girl does not understand and keeps crying. I have no savings even for her marriage. Soon I have to send Ambujam too to college. Kindly advise Amirtha suitably and impress on her that there are many openings after she does well in graduation and that Engineering is not the only option to progress in life."

“I understand the situation and will talk to Amirtha separately tomorrow. I am sure a satisfactory solution could be found. Do not discuss this subject today with her anymore,” Sankaran said.

When Amirtha met him the next day, Sankaran said, “You have made me proud and given a purpose to my life. Many parents in the complex request me now to help their children too.. Ambuja is also faring well. I just wanted to tell you about future options as I know you and your family well. I hope you are willing to listen.”

“ Thatha (grandpa),” all credit for my good result goes to you and for your timely help. I value your advice. Please tell me without any hesitation. I am all ears,” replied Amirtha.

‘There is nothing wrong with having a dream for a particular objective. Your desire for engineering is natural given your high marks. But it should be tempered with what is feasible under the family circumstances. Engineering courses cost a bomb and many families take loans for this purpose. Your dad is struggling already. You might have heard that one must coat according to one’s clothes meaning in your case that one must make choices that align with the family's financial means. Out of lakhs of students, only a few thousand join engineering colleges Are the others not progressing in life?

One option, I think, is the annual Civil Services examination. With your intelligence and knowledge, you can easily pass the examination. It offers positions of power and reasonable wealth and above all opportunities to return to society with gratitude in innumerable ways of development and help the people. Choose an Economics honours course and study well, keeping IAS as your only goal. Can I tell your father accordingly? I will help him financially for your study but do not mention this to him now under any circumstances. He will be glad to accept this option. What do you say? Think carefully and tell me, “said Sankaran.

“Thatha, you have opened my eyes to the reality. I have been selfish and unthinking about the sacrifices my parents are making. What you have advised inspires me to undertake, not for fame and money, but for the opportunity to help the deprived and disadvantaged. No second thoughts, I am fully fired up to take this challenge and clear the examination in the first attempt very creditably. I will tell my father that  I am for an economics honours course in a good college.”

“Ask him to see me when convenient. I have something to tell to clinch the matter,” said Sankaran.

When Vinayagam met him the same evening, Sankaran, told him,” Vinayagam, you need not worry about her college fees. They would not be as high as engineering. I have about three lakhs as savings in the post office for donations to charitable causes. What better charity there can be than Vidya Dhanam to a deserving student? I shall bear the cost of her fees and books till she completes. You do not have to repay. Ask her to apply immediately to a few top colleges. In a few years, your daughter will be a collector and what more do you need? Don't we need more women in our country's administration?

Vinayagam started sobbing with his towel over his mouth.




  1. A very good story with a mix of a good advice, generosity, practical reasoning , successful path , and of the kindness of a well wisher.


  2. This story highlights the sad truth where many good students either discontinue studies or get married as their family cannot afford it . Hope every good student gets such benefactors. Thank you for writing this . Strikes a chord in me

  3. Storytelling at its best! Sankar an being understated, rational and smart is a throwback to decades back when that’s what heroes were made of. (JJ)

  4. An apt story for the college entrance exams season in India!

  5. This is not only a wonderful story of mutual help and support system prevailing in the society but also a truth for some who are lucky to get persons like Rangaratnam and Sankaran in their life. The story has many morals. The most important being, Be good do good, God helps his bhaktas in some form or other in many ways

  6. Yet another touching story sprinkled with generosity. It takes a lot to give up of savings. Sankaran' s act is magnanimous, while amritha is level headed. A good example of receiving and giving thus setting a trend.

  7. Beautiful story mama 🙏🏼

  8. Beautifully narrated story! Many students drop their dreams to study further because of the families' circumstances! Here, Sankaran is helping the girl to study further, that too, asking her to become a Collector. She is lucky to have Sankaran as her mentor!

  9. Very emotional sir, started like a set up in an old Visu movie, turned into how Visu helped deserving and poor students through his trust. Very nice sir. Regards - Mahesh

  10. A very nice story of kindness and generosity. The world is livable because of the genre of Sankarans'. Timing of the story is too apt with Exam results poring in from different quarters with hopes and aspirations of the youth.

  11. Good story. Hope "reservations", caste and community do not come in her way while applying for college.

  12. Bijaylaxmi SarangiMay 8, 2024 at 7:05 AM

    Thank you GP.. Your story is very encouraging. How Thatha helped the two girls get excellent marks and how he guided Amrita choosing the right career option conducive to their financial condition is apt. Proper guidance change lives of students.🙏🏼💐💐

  13. Loved the story. Nice characters.

  14. What a wonderful story! It reminds me of my very own personal experience. I had to abandon my dream to become an engineer due to financial constraints of my family. Instead studied economics and got the job of an executive in a public sector organization! Had a roller coaster career ending up teaching in management schools. Thoroughly enjoyed my teaching job.

  15. Reality of countless young aspirants.. fortunately this story takes a positive turn

  16. Beautiful and touching story.. Reminds me of 2 movies - 12th Fail and Lapatah Ladies!

  17. The good Samaritan and the unlimited bounty of help so well featured through this story. The narrative is so picturesque that I can visualize the houses and the characters.

  18. This reminds me of early days, very realistic and relatable, starting from the row houses and common toilet, I would have pursued Engineering if my family were able to afford. I enrolled for B Com degree because I got National Loan Scholarship.

  19. Rama Sampath KumarMay 28, 2024 at 5:43 AM

    Read through.. so this is a scene from a movie shoot? - or a dream? As usual makes interesting reading- wanting to know what is coming next! Waiting for the narrative to end in an exciting event , the climax was the simple: Pack up !!😊😆
