Friday, May 17, 2024

Sonu’s gift (584 words)

I had a business meeting at a starred hotel at 5 pm where I was to deliver a speech. I finished jotting down key points at home and dressed myself. My son of seven years was playing with toys in the living room. My wife who had been to a dentist for a routine cleaning should have been here by 2 pm. It was already 3.15 pm.

The phone jingled. “I am afraid you I will be held up. Please drop Sonu at the clinic on your way,” said the message from my wife.

“Sure,” I replied as I changed Sonu’s clothes and thrust a packet of cookies.

“Where are we going?” he asked as I drove through a busy main road.

“I will drop you at the clinic with Mom as I have to go urgently for a meeting,”

 The traffic on the road was heavy with too many cars. At the noisy intersection, the signal changed to red.

“Babu…babu.” I heard a squeaky voice accompanied by a popular tune from a single-stringed instrument made of a coconut shell. I turned to see a ten-year-old girl in torn clothes with a twinkle in her bright eyes proffering one instrument through the door to Sonu.

“No, no, take it away. The signal will be on very soon. Rush to the platform before you get caught amid the cars,” I shouted.

“Daddy, I want that instrument. Please do not send her away,” he started crying.

“This is a cheap stuff, Sonu. I will get you a Harmonica which can produce several sounds and you can play good music. Draw your hand inside for me to close the door,” I shouted.

The girl saw the signal switch on to amber. She dropped the instrument inside the car and said, “Today is my birthday. It is a gift from me to my brother Sonu,” said the girl as she ran away to the platform. I was rendered speechless.

I lost sight of the girl amid many cars running on both sides of the lane with impatient horns from behind. Compelled by the circumstances, I drove reluctantly towards the clinic with a heavy heart.

Dropping Sonu at the clinic where my wife was waiting, I could see the happy face of Sonu making musical noises with a bow from the coarse contraption in his hand to the amused look of my wife.

Even at night as I was lying on my bed, the smiling face of the little girl lingered before my eyes and the thought of her generous disposition despite my curt and petulant manner made me feel guilty.

I was at the same crossing same time the next day waiting near the curb for the girl to appear as my eyes roved all around. I waited for 15 minutes but she was not to be seen. As I started the car deciding to get her some other day, I heard a knock and the squeaky voice “Babu… Babu”

Thrilled, I turned to see the girl smiling. “Where is Sonu,” she asked.

I opened the window and said, “He is at school. Give me two more pieces of the instrument. How much does it cost?”.

“15 Rs each, Babu”

” I have this gift for your birthday from Sonu,” and handed over a box of Cadbury’s chocolates and 150 rupees. As she looked at me amazed, I added, “Do bring your parents one day, I wish to talk to them.”

“Remember to stop and smell the roses”





  1. Jsagannatha Rao A.SMay 17, 2024 at 5:54 AM

    Affection to people is beyond their economic status. It takes long time to understand that. Nice story.

  2. Nice one. Reality is that many have a keener sense of the overpowering smell of money and success than the subtle and sublime smell of a rose. (jj)

  3. Nice story .
    The heart has no reasons.
    Emotional decisions follow their own logic !

  4. Very nice story sir. A V S Rao

  5. A feel good story. Nice. Keep writing, dear Periappa 🫶


  6. A story of affection and compassion. Your gesture of returning to search for the girl and gifting her is awe inspiring.

  7. Felt reassured to find innate humane goodness still at work in this cynic materialistic world.

  8. What a heart touching beautiful story! Wish all of could be like this! Then this world would have been different!! Atin Biswas

  9. Poignant. A reminder to be kind Regards - Mahesh

  10. I am sure everyone can relate to this. Selling stuff at junctions is far better than begging. But I don't know if the money that we give actually goes to the poor child or not. But at least our act of giving something leaves us with the gratification that we have done our bit.

  11. You don't need a new day to show compassion and love, you need only a new mindset. A fine and heart warming story .

  12. A feel-good simple story !

  13. Absolutely beautiful story. There is goodness all around if only we "stop to smell the roses"

  14. Touching and lovely story, Partha. Loved it.

  15. Everybody has got a soft side somewhere hidden in their hearts... Thank god, it came out soon to make him to go back to help the poor girl... This might be a turning point in her life.... He stopped to smell roses... Very good expression... Beautiful story... Sandhya

  16. Every good deed done without return expectation begets worthy gifts!

  17. Heart warming story.ramakrishnan.a.

  18. Santha SrinivasanMay 18, 2024 at 6:50 AM

    The narration was so beautiful. Such incidents happen in our daily life which we hardly notice. Very interesting feel like watching these girls in the signals

  19. Beautiful story - seems like this message was just for me - 😊).
    Glad I didn’t miss reading this beautiful story - I did stop to smell the roses 😊.

  20. Good one! A feel good story.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  21. The pure generosity the girl has cannot be taught. It just shows a pure heart. We miss such beautiful moments in our busy lives. Such moments teach us the simple beauty of life and people. Very beautiful story!

  22. Your regular twist is missing in this story, giving a twist to the regular followers of your blog

  23. A beautiful story that teaches kindness and generosity, loved it so much more because I have been there at such a signal always thinking for them, the sellers/ Padmaja

  24. A feel good, heart-warming story :)
