Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Kindness is like a boomerang

It was then he saw a crowd of people gathered in clusters on the left side of the road a little yonder despite the slight drizzle.Cars, buses and lorries were whizzing past.Some slowed down near the spot only to speed away once they knew it was an accident.Sekhar stopped his three wheeler at the edge of the road and went in.It was a gory sight he saw.A two wheeler was lying askew damaged and bent with the wheel turning in the gust of wind.. One man was dead with his head smashed to pulp. Another was lying in a pool of blood. There were no policemen around.The culprit lorry and its driver had sped away.The people in clusters were talking amongst themselves and did nothing to save the young man who was battling for his life.
Sekhar pushed in and looked around with derison at the onlookers.He went near the dying man and felt with his finger at the nostrils..He could discern a faint warm breath. The guy was not yet dead.but he needed immediate medical help.He called one sturdy man to help him lift the man to his auto.
Someone said” We have sent a message to police.They must be on their way.”
Another made a gratutious remark”There is a death in this hit and run case.It is a police case.We should not disturb the evidence. Let the police come.
“Don’t you see the young man is dying? When the police come, he would have gone for ever” someone bewailed
Sekhar.said”Fie upon the evidence and rules.A life is at stake.Come on, someone help me in taking him to my auto.Soon the auto with the young man sped its way to the nearest hospital.Some worthy noted down the number of auto in his note book.
The nurse at the reception said “This is a police case.Have you informed them?”Sekhar got annoyed”I will answer all questions later.Arrange for immediate medical attention.The man is dying and the bleeding hasn’t stopped..Please be quick”’
A doctor came rushing and the man was wheeled to emergency immediately.Sekhar was waiting for two hours.He did not leave the place It was nearing 1 am.He knew his wife and mother would be greatly worried.It was then the doctor came out and patted on Sekhar’s shoulder.”Don’t worry.The man will live.There are some major fractures but life is not in danger.You brought him in the nick of the time.Had there been a delay of even ten miniutes he would have been a lost case.You saved this man’s life.Are you a friend of his or related?”
“Thank you doctor.You are a god in living form.I don’t know him.I saw him lying on the road with none in the crowd doing anything.I decided to bring him here whatever be the rules, I could not let this man die on the road.”
Doctor said “Do not worry.I will speak for you”
It was a month later Sekhar was arraigned in a court for disturbing the evidence in a hit and run case of death.The rules were like that in those days when people were scared to help the injured.They would be made witnesses and dragged to courts frequently.
The kindly judge who heard the case ruled” Here is a good Samaritan who is brought before me for having broken the rules when in fact he had saved a precious life of a young man...Going strictly by the rule book, I am compelled as a judge to levy a penalty of Rs 500 but as a fellow human being I record my genuine appreciation for Sekhar in showing a rare courage and admirable compassion to a man battling for life and offer to pay the fine on his behalf.He is discharged from the case.”,
The entire people in the court were speechless including the prosecuting officials.It was a week thereafter on a Sunday morning, Sekhar saw a car stop opposite his house.When he came out to see who it was he found the judge smiling at him .After the pleasantries, the judge said”Sekhar I am indebted to you for my life.You had saved that day none else than my son..Here is a small token of affection and gratitude for you which you must not refuse to accept.” He thrust in the hands of a bewidered and surprised Sekhar.a cover containing Rs 50,000.
Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Far away you are from my view
I try and try to capture you in my eyes
Only to find you vanish in a trice
I hear your silent steps upon the deep
The music of your bells keep the rhyme
Tinkle, tinkle do the bells with anklets chime.
Thy soft steps drive away the crowding thoughts
Emptying the mind of earthly pleasures.
Melody of thy music on lute seeps into me
The dulcet melodies gush merrily through me
The proximity of Thy pervading spirit
Suffuses my heart with indescribable joy
Enveloping my whole self in perceptions anew
Penetrating the pores of my deep, deep soul
O Krishna, when You leave me dreaming
I am once again covered with a blanket so dark
Reveling in all mundane hopes and smart scheming
Moving away once again from Thee in my pettiness.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Comedy of an error

Soon a bearer entered my cabin and looked questioningly.When the others signalled towards me, he placed before me a large round stainless steel plate, larger than the usual aluminium plates that I was accustomed to in the railways.He didn’t ask for the coupon. It was covered by a spotlessly clean towel.It struck me odd and asked him whether it was a vegetarian meal.He responded with an affirmative nod and left after a deferential bow.The other passengers were looking at the covered plate with curiosity.Wondering at the unusually large size of the plate, I opened it gingerly.To my great amazement, there were 24 items of dishes in fairly big katories that looked rich even on a cursory look.They included inter alia two sweets,two packets of chips made out of banana (Nendran) and jack fruit(Chakka) and some fruits too.It was a dinner that kings of yore would have taken.
I surmised there had been a mistake as the food I was expecting was a limited variety of rice,sambhar,rasam and two sabzis in small quantity in a small aluminium plate.I immediately covered the plate with the towel and looked out for the bearer to get the matter clarifed.Meanwhile the train had left the station and there was no bearer visible.The pangs of hunger were unbearable.One of the passengers who was sitting opposite to me asked “What are you waiting for ?It is past 8pm.Have your dinner before it gets cold”
“I think there has been a mistake somewhere.I ordered just an ordinary meal and this royal fare, I think, is not intended for me.I am unable to find the bearer.True I am very hungry.” I replied
“It is not your fault.Please have the food.If he asks for extra payment I am sure you would be willing to pay.It is getting late.The train is not vestibuled and the next halt will take more than an hour.Please proceed with eating” he said kindly.The others too nodded their heads in agreement.
I decided to eat.I gave the chips packets and the fruits to them telling the food is too much for me and they could enjoy the snack.They gladly accepted.the offer. It was perhaps the tastiest dinner that I had ever taken in a train. It was just impossible for the railways or the contractor to give such sumptuous food for the paltry amount I had paid for.As I was musing at my good fortune there was a tap on the door.
A young boy of 7 years presumably from the adjacent cabin peeped in and asked “Uncle, have you got your dinner?”
“Yes, young boy.What happened? Haven’t you got yours?” I asked
“No, we got ours.But it was a small plate” he replied innocently looking at the big plate lying before me.Before I could say something the boy ran away.
It was when one of the passengers in my cabin went out to toilet and returned, we found him laughing profusely.When prodded by his railway friends, he replied that he became wiser to the mystery of the large plate served to me.With a large smile he said “The wife of CCS(Chief Commercial Superintendent) is travelling in the adjacent cabin.The bearer committed a mistake in leaving the large plate intended for her to our friend here and his small and spartan meal to her.She is furious.I am sure the contractor would be paying a heavy price for this gaffe.”
It was then I remembered the bearer’s deferential bow.The comedy of error made me get atleast once a taste of good things that the men in power and their families are accustomed to while travelling.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
All that glitters is not gold

Likewise we are often influenced in our decisions by the outward frills. A bad coffee given in an ornate silver mug is preferred to a good one in an ordinary steel cup. When given the choice to choose one from the tray, we are tempted to pick the glittering one though we know nothing of the content in both the cups. The little child always prefers in a sweet shop items that are covered in bright silver foils unconcerned about the contents inside. Cars are bought for the outward sleek appearance and flashy gadgets much like the jewels on the girl without going into its technical parameters. I have seen people preferring posh restaurants that serve the dishes in finest cutlery on well covered tables by waiters in uniforms even though the food served is of indifferent quality than the delicious stuff served in modest looking places. People are guided by appearances and do not mind paying more.
Similarly unprofessional employers are taken in by the gift of the gab, resourceful replies and the appearance of the candidates instead of assessing their true worth of in terms of intelligence, accomplishments and other personality traits. Even reputed companies have often to turn out within a year the unfit employees that passed muster initially. The more the wrapper is colourful, the chances of the product appealing to the buyer are more. The wrapper need not be a paper; it can be a certificate for a candidate from some reputed institutions. The advertising companies exploit this weakness in human nature to fall for the external attributes.
Not all the ochre robed men can be a worthy guru. But we see gullible men rushing to fall at the feet of fake god men who fasten themselves with all paraphernalia and hired disciples. With the herd mentality predominant in ourselves, we are apt to get fooled by the multitude waiting for the darshan.Truly great men avoid crowd and choose secluded places. It is only by rare chance and by divine grace that one comes across such saints with true spiritual knowledge and authentic personal experience. The pomp and worth of the individual are frequently in inverse proportion.
We frequently misjudge a person, place or thing by its appearance often failing to realize that trusting mere appearances is wrong. A glib talker or a handsome politician or one who makes liberal promises is more likely to be chosen in elections because of common perception that he would make a good leader, when in reality he might be very incapable and corrupt. When we choose people to rule the country we are guided by the outward show like the crowd turn out, his lineage and the trappings and not by the real worth and true character of the candidates for office. Smooth talk expressing concern for the people should not mislead us. Instead their past record of service, their simple living and a disdain for wealth should be the guiding factors. Too many promises and small concessions often camouflage the real intention.
We always see medical representatives dressed formally and well, as doctors have illogically more confidence in such people than on those dressed poorly. Apparel oft maketh the man is true in all human dealings though it is unsound logic. While there is nothing wrong for someone to look his best, we should remember that appearance alone should not be the primary basis on which one makes decision to buy or believe something or someone. Things are seldom what they seem, Skim milk masquerades as cream. Let us not confuse appearances with reality.