Likewise we are often influenced in our decisions by the outward frills. A bad coffee given in an ornate silver mug is preferred to a good one in an ordinary steel cup. When given the choice to choose one from the tray, we are tempted to pick the glittering one though we know nothing of the content in both the cups. The little child always prefers in a sweet shop items that are covered in bright silver foils unconcerned about the contents inside. Cars are bought for the outward sleek appearance and flashy gadgets much like the jewels on the girl without going into its technical parameters. I have seen people preferring posh restaurants that serve the dishes in finest cutlery on well covered tables by waiters in uniforms even though the food served is of indifferent quality than the delicious stuff served in modest looking places. People are guided by appearances and do not mind paying more.
Similarly unprofessional employers are taken in by the gift of the gab, resourceful replies and the appearance of the candidates instead of assessing their true worth of in terms of intelligence, accomplishments and other personality traits. Even reputed companies have often to turn out within a year the unfit employees that passed muster initially. The more the wrapper is colourful, the chances of the product appealing to the buyer are more. The wrapper need not be a paper; it can be a certificate for a candidate from some reputed institutions. The advertising companies exploit this weakness in human nature to fall for the external attributes.
Not all the ochre robed men can be a worthy guru. But we see gullible men rushing to fall at the feet of fake god men who fasten themselves with all paraphernalia and hired disciples. With the herd mentality predominant in ourselves, we are apt to get fooled by the multitude waiting for the darshan.Truly great men avoid crowd and choose secluded places. It is only by rare chance and by divine grace that one comes across such saints with true spiritual knowledge and authentic personal experience. The pomp and worth of the individual are frequently in inverse proportion.
We frequently misjudge a person, place or thing by its appearance often failing to realize that trusting mere appearances is wrong. A glib talker or a handsome politician or one who makes liberal promises is more likely to be chosen in elections because of common perception that he would make a good leader, when in reality he might be very incapable and corrupt. When we choose people to rule the country we are guided by the outward show like the crowd turn out, his lineage and the trappings and not by the real worth and true character of the candidates for office. Smooth talk expressing concern for the people should not mislead us. Instead their past record of service, their simple living and a disdain for wealth should be the guiding factors. Too many promises and small concessions often camouflage the real intention.
We always see medical representatives dressed formally and well, as doctors have illogically more confidence in such people than on those dressed poorly. Apparel oft maketh the man is true in all human dealings though it is unsound logic. While there is nothing wrong for someone to look his best, we should remember that appearance alone should not be the primary basis on which one makes decision to buy or believe something or someone. Things are seldom what they seem, Skim milk masquerades as cream. Let us not confuse appearances with reality.
Very Much True :) :)
ReplyDeleteAppearances do count.
ReplyDeleteOnce an english film journalist.Devi wrote that if you go to a wealthy man, they serve you only tea with arawroat biscuits in a fine crockery, whereas if you go to a middle class, he will serve you nice snacks and dishes but in ordinary cup plates...still people are impressed with wealthy.
Yes, as the age old adage goes, never judge a book by its cover. Spot on! :)
ReplyDeleteWishing you a very happy new year...:)
aw..a very informational post ..vry well said, all dat glitters is not gold, but yes,often we r taken by the shining riches, without going in depth of reality..this is really wrong..b'ful write, hope it spreads the message all over..!!!
ReplyDeleteWish you a very healthy nd prosperous new year..!!!
Dear Partha,
ReplyDeleteGood Evening!
Wishing you A Wonderful New Year Filled With Health,Happiness and Prosperity!
Don't judge by just looks.but often we do that.Appearances do matter a lot.it's natural.
If I were in that girl's place,I would have invited the guy for a chat with a cup of coffee.:)it's knowing the other person,reaching out the other heart,the soft feelings created that make a difference.
I always welcome and accept your friendship however you are going to offer.The wrapper doesn't matter.:)
Wishing you a lovely Sunday,
Wishing you A HAPPY New Year
ReplyDeletein The Netherlands we say
"Gelukkig Nieuwjaar" (@^.^@)
Very unique story
I like the jewelry
from your country
(its different like ours !!)
Have a nice weekend :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
hmm... thats true actually.... most of us know that appearance alone isnt enough to judge anything or anyone.. but then... :) very often we do! thanks for the message..
ReplyDeleteu arent writing as frequent as u were before.. do write more.. ! :)
A big round of applause...this is so true, you chosen an excellent topic and have dealt with it beautifully...appearance matters so much to people that they forget about the beauty within..what wouold happen to a girl who had been selected for her wealth or to a candidate who has degrees but no talent..life has become so superficial, everything is taken on face value..thank God there are people who think otherwise :)
ReplyDeleteHow true! Often things are not what they seem. Moreover, what is more important is not the looks rather it is the qualities of the person and also how is he/she as a human being.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such noble views.
Very thought provoking and true. One tends to judge others merely by appearances only to realize a tad too late that it ended up being nothing more than a superficial gesture.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with you. People often fall for the outside glitter unaware of what is the real worth and make wrong choices. Remember the famous Tamil saying:
ReplyDelete"What you see is a Lie;
What you hear too is a Lie;
Only what is corroborated is true."
Nice post.
But dont they say face is the index of the mind.Analogously, are you not what you appear?That way does a pleasant appearance be overlooked? Just few questions that pops up in my mind.Nevertheless there's nothing wrong in being the good coffee in a adorable cup i guess :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome and mind boggling post :)