Raghav suggested that he would ask his parents to approach her parents seeking her hands for him.She knew this would not work and would only make matters worse.They discussed endlessly how to overcome the hurdle till she finally succumbed after a lot of persuasion to Raghav’s suggestion that they get married on Valentine’s day at a small temple near Chennai and present a fait accompli to parents on both sides.They decided to invite only about twenty close friends and colleagues on each side.Raghav undertook to arrange the wedding preparations at a temple over a small hillock.It was agreed she would come sharp at 8am.
Raghav along with his friends were there at 6am overseeing the arrangements.Someone brought the pundit.Caterers had come with refreshments and were waiting in a hall at the base of the hillock. It was 8am and Suneeta was not to be seen.Her mobile was switched off. A few friends of hers had come.One of Raghav’s friend was at the base of hillock waiting for her.Around 840am Raghav got a call in his mobile from his friend at the base that Suneeta and her fiends have come in a van but there was a big problem.It appeared that a few other vans had also come and that one aged man purporting to be her uncle was holding her hands and not allowing her to climb up.She was surrounded by the people who had come in the vans.There was a minor scuffle between Suneeta’s friends and those people.
It was then Raghav’s friend Sundar who was in police unifom assured Raghav that he would rush and sort out the matter and that he remain at the temple.Sundar was a tall and hefty fellow with a stentorian voice.When he ran near the crowd that surrounded Suneeta, he barked a command to her uncle”Whoever you are take your hands off her.Do you understand? All of you who are crowding around the lady move away.”
His big figure, loud voice and the police uniform had the desired effect.When Suneeta was freed, Sundar asked the old man what the problem was about.
The old man said “Suneeta is my brother’s daughter.Some Kannadiga chap has abducted her with the help of his friends and trying to get married to her.Her parents are against this marriage.We are from othodox Tamil community.My brother had asked me to bring her back home.He is in the process of finalising a match in our own community.”
Sundar in a quiet but firm tone said “Good, let me talk to the lady.Please wait”He tuned to Suneeta and asked her “Are you a major? What is your age?Are you being forced to marry the chap waiting at the temple or are you doing it on your own volition?Answer me loudly”
“I am 25.I am in love with Raghav and we decided to mary at the temple as my parents are against our marriage.These people are all my friends and colleagues whom I had invited for the function.I do not want to go with my uncle to my house.My decision is purely my own and I want your help in seeing that my marriage takes place without any hurdle.The auspicious time is around 9am” Suneeta said
Sundar told in peremptory voice”She is a major and no one can prevent her from marrying anyone she likes..If someone confines her by force it is against law.Sir,I see your concern and your wish to help your brother.But what you are doing is illegal.Please leave her alone and go away if you don’t wish to be present to bless her”
They quietly dispersed without one word.The marriage took place quickly on time.While Raghav thanked him profusely for defusing the situation, Sundar told him “Raghav, I am in a hurry. I cannot wait for lunch.I must be at Alwarpet at 10 am for the final rehearsal of the drama where I am acting as Police officer.I came in the same attire as there was no time for me to go home and change.I wish you all the best and will see you later”