Friday, October 18, 2024

Raju’s three wishes (576 words)

Raju had lost his way in the dense forest. He had come along with friends to explore the green forest on a Sunday and spend time with nature savouring its raw beauty in all its forms. Enthralled by the surroundings, he ventured farther into the forest, unaware that he had strayed from his friends and lost track of the path He pulled out his phone to contact them, but his heart sank—the battery had drained.

 Though it was only 2 p.m., the thick canopy of trees made it seem as if dusk had already fallen. He heard unusual and strange noises and was afraid of lurking reptiles. He got scared and started praying under his breath even as he kept moving into the maze searching for a clearing through which sunlight could enter.

Suddenly, as something soft and cool slightly brushed on his cheek, he jumped away, startled that it could be a python from the overhead branch. He could see nothing and moved away quickly.

After wandering aimlessly for a long time, he was relieved when he saw a little yonder, a small bright patch. When he went near, he found to his great relief and glee an old man of indeterminate age sitting under a tree with his legs crossed in Padmasana. He had a flowing white beard and his eyes were closed obviously in meditation.

Raju sat quietly before him waiting for him to open his eyes. Raju was afraid to disturb him lest he get angry and refused to help him find his way out. Minutes clicked past and it was almost an hour and he was still sitting before him. Meanwhile, the weird noises around him grew shriller, more unsettling. As a fly sat on the edge of his nostril, he could not stifle the loud sneeze despite his best effort. The old man opened his eyes and surprisingly smiled at him.

In a soft voice, that was a whisper, he asked “Son, what are you doing in this dense forest? It is risky to be here with wild animals roaming about.”

He prostrated before him and said “Swami, I lost my way here and could not find my friends with whom I came. I am afraid I have strayed deep inside the jungle. Can you please help me get out of the forest?”

“I have not seen a human for several years ever since I came into the forest as a young boy in search of meaning of life. I am not normally visible to others eyes. Luckily you could see me. I am pleased with you. Ask me three wishes. They would be fulfilled immediately.’

“My first wish is to be out of this jungle,” he said

” It will be done immediately after you express your other two wishes,” said the sage-like person

“Swami, I love Swarna, my colleague, very much but she is not reciprocating. Can you make her fall in love with me, please?” asked Raju with much hope.

The sage nodded. “What is your third wish? Tell me quickly for I will become invisible soon.”

“Swami, I cannot believe my luck. Am I dreaming from my sleep’ Raju asked in utter disbelief.

Just then he heard his mother waking him up shouting “Raju, you said you had an interview today. It is getting late. Get up, it is already 8 am”

Did Swarna reciprocate his love? I am not aware. What is your guess?




  1. Good one. Thank you for sharing.
    Enjoyed reading it.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  2. If he gets that job , maybe, there is a chance. Ha ha ha ha


  3. When the first and the third wishes were fulfilled, it would be very disappointing for not only Raju but the readers as well, if the second one doesn't!

  4. Swarna will not reciprocate. First saying NO and then saying YES to fall in love happens only in movies.

  5. Rama Sampath Kumar: Could not guess it was a dream till the end.. was gripping .. and they say early morning dreams mostly come true. By this logic his sweetheart would probably reciprocate and like a fairy tale , it would be : “ They lived happily ever after.”

  6. Good one, enjoyed reading it. Dreams unlimited. Swarna is in Raju s sub conscious, so he should get her.

  7. Nice one! The forest Raju had lost himself in was actually the maze of love. The exit he was looking for was the reciprocal love of Swarna. The dream symbolised the confusion in Raju's mind.

  8. He will come out of the forest, marry the girl he loves and be happy forever...The sage seem to be a real one....Sandhya

  9. Good one.very nice.ramakrishn.a.

  10. Hope Swarna to reciprocate positively, and let the early morning dream come true, as our belief system says so.

  11. Though the meeting with Swami was in the dream, as two of the wishes were fulfilled, I believe the third wish also will be fulfilled and Swarna will reciprocate positively

  12. Lovely one, when sweet dreams end and quiet desperation begins. (JJ)
