Sukanya was no ordinary girl. Just ten years, she was very much different from others. It all happened suddenly when on a visit to her grandmother she was gifted with a doll of Sri Krishna. It was a two feet high, doll of Krishna in blue colour standing with a flute in hand and a cow behind. With His bewitching smile and handsome features, He caught the fancy of the little girl. Her grandmother narrated to her, the story of Meera Bai and her unflinching devotion to the Lord despite the trials and tribulations she faced. The story made a deep impact on the girl and transformed her completely. She no longer went to play with her friends in the colony. She spent all the time other than school hours with the doll, dressing it up, making flower garlands, talking to it, singing bhajans and doing puja.She was a soft spoken girl with a sweet voice and a very beautiful face.
Her parents were upset initially with her constant attention to the doll to the detriment of her studies, play and other chores. While the mother understood the girl’s love for the doll and her sincere devotion to the Lord, her father was adamant that the doll be kept in the loft out of reach of the girl. She cried so inconsolably that after her mom’s persuasion he relented subject to the condition that she spent only an hour in the morning and evening and went to play, do her homework like before. She put a stipulation that her mom should provide her with a small cup of butter for her Lord. This was agreed to without fuss. She knew that Krishna loved butter being a makkan chor. The doll was kept in the puja room and not a day passed without Sukanya doing the soul stirring Bhajans, puja and offering of butter to the lord. The parents too saw no harm in her devotion, as it did not clash with her studies, play and other chores
One day when she had finished the puja, she found the butter had been scooped as if by fingers. With surprise and glee, she asked her mom to witness the strange happening. When her mom looked at the cup and then at her fingers, Sukanya denied amidst sobs that she had not touched the butter. While they didn’t know what could have caused it, they decided to keep quiet. When this phenomenon happened in the successive three days, her mom told her husband about the strange occurrence. The father called the girl and told her sternly that he would stop all the puja if she did not come out with the truth. With this veiled accusation as if she had taken the butter, the girl denied her hand vehemently. But the dad was not convinced and said, “I have not come across any incident of God taking the Prasad offered to him. May be Sukanya is not aware that she was unconsciously handling the butter. I think there is something fishy about the whole thing.” Sukanya was deeply hurt but did not respond unwilling to provoke him.
The next day the dad stayed at home to get into the bottom of the matter. When the girl was doing the puja, he surreptitiously came down without the knowledge of the girl and his wife who was busy in the kitchen. Now and then, he saw through a narrow opening of the puja room door, the girl singing softly with her eyes closed. When the song was over and the puja seemed to end, he peeped again through the opening. What he saw astounded him. He saw a boy of ten years bluish in colour with yellow silk around his waist, a peacock feather on his head and a flute in hand stooping down to the cup and taking the butter. When the boy turned his gaze towards the opening in the door, the dad instantly fell unconscious.
Hearing the commotion both Sukanya and her mom came running towards him.” Appa, Please open your eyes. What happened? Why did you faint?” asked Sukanya. When the man blabbered about the blue boy, his flute and the feather, her mother gave him water to drink and asked him to be calm. She said “What boy and where is he? The front door is locked. There is no one here.
Sukanya also hasn’t seen anyone. Are you day dreaming?”
He said, “No, I saw him distinctly. I have never seen such a beautiful face and the eyes were red in colour of unparalleled beauty. He stooped down and took the butter. See the cup yourself if you do not trust me.” When they saw the cup, they found the butter has been removed with two tiny fingers"
He said, “No, I saw him distinctly. I have never seen such a beautiful face and the eyes were red in colour of unparalleled beauty. He stooped down and took the butter. See the cup yourself if you do not trust me.” When they saw the cup, they found the butter has been removed with two tiny fingers"
Sukanya with tears welled up in her eyes shouted in elation and happiness “Kanna, Krishna, Govinda, Navneeth chora, how lucky I am that you have heard my prayers and had come to stand by my side. How unlucky I was to keep my eyes closed when you stood near me and ate the butter? Why did you not your bells make some noise?”
The parents embraced the girl who was in rapture and delight and smothered her with kisses.
Delightful story. But do such things really happen? I've heard multiple stories about sai baba doing things like that...only the people who experienced could tell...but again, it's all faith...:)
ReplyDeleteIs this a repeat story?Nice one indeed, KP:)
ReplyDeleteSukanya is a very lucky girl...Nice story about devotion :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting story. I haven't read it earlier.
ReplyDeleteMy mind also is blank nowadays!
Another sparkling gem from you KP! Have a wonderful Sunday penning another of your delightful mysteries:)
ReplyDeleteMiracles do happen even in this day and age. If only our devotion is sincere and our hearts pure!
ReplyDeleteI completely enjoyed every bit of this beautifully written story and could relate to it with all honesty. Miracles do happen.
ReplyDeleteGood you reposted I got to read it again :) Miracles happen everythwere we just need to see them.
ReplyDeletebeautiful story ..
I wonder about the veracity of miracles myself. But, your story was beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI am waiting to see such miracle,may be it happens to pure hearted people only, and I am not.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing… gladly enough, I hadn’t read this story before…
ReplyDeleteI think there are several take away lessons in this superb story…
It teaches about, innocent faith, bling faith, touch-n-believe faith, love for kids, vision not to the one praying but to the one peeping, and the lot…
First thing… gladly enough, I hadn’t read this story before…
ReplyDeleteI think there are several take away lessons in this superb story…
It teaches about, innocent faith, bling faith, touch-n-believe faith, love for kids, vision not to the one praying but to the one peeping, and the lot…