I felt good knowledge of lessons alone is not adequate for students to
learn at the school. I tried hard to inculcate in the children that the richness
of life is not measured only by the high marks scored, degrees acquired, the wealth
owned or the positions held but largely by the moments spent in wiping the tears
and touching the hearts of the needy, in helping the aged and disadvantaged, in
sharing the knowledge and in making the world a better and safer place to live
In one particular class, I had a challenge in the form of Karthick. A
well-built boy of about 15 years, gruff in tone but pleasant by disposition and
endowed with high stamina, he excelled as much in sports as he failed in his
studies. All my special attention on this young boy was unsuccessful as he
continued to get poor grades. I used all methods in vain to kindle his interest
in studies by cajoling, threatening and even punishing him. I could not accept
defeat but knew no way to resolve the matter.
In desperation, I talked to a colleague of mine who was teaching that
class earlier and mentioned how Karthik posed a great challenge to me. She laughed and
comforted me saying that I was not alone in such a predicament. She added that
the boy’s father was an alcoholic and his mother an illiterate woman. There
were daily quarrels and beatings at home in the evenings between the parents in
the presence of their only boy. The conditions at home were far from salutary
and it was a wonder the boy had not turned into a vagabond and wrong ways in
that uncongenial atmosphere.
I sympathised with the boy and
doubled my efforts to make him a better student by coaching him freely in the
evenings. But no matter how much I struggled, he stood at the bottom of the
It was recess time one day. There was a sense of defeat in me. I was
cursing myself for my inadequacy in motivating him to succeed and felt that I
too along with his parents should share the responsibility if he failed to come
up in life. It was then I heard a commotion outside in the veranda by the side
of the staircase. When I came out, I saw a crowd of students around someone on
the ground.
One boy came running to me and said “Vignesh fell while he was walking
on the parapet wall and has broken his leg and arm. He is writhing in pain. “
Even as he was narrating what happened, I saw Karthick rushing towards the
crowd and coming out with the boy, who had hurt himself, in his strong arms and
walking towards the gate. He had run to hail an auto before he came to lift the
boy. That he took the boy to the nearest clinic is not so important for me to
relate as the singular point that amongst all the brighter boys who stood
curiously watching Vignesh in pain, it was only Karthick who came to his
assistance on his own and acted as a leader with compassion. It struck me that
he may not be bright in his studies but he excelled himself as a compassionate
and helping person in times of need, unlike the others of his age.
There was another instance about Karthick that I came to know very
soon. There was a big school function where all the parents and students
participated. The dais was a little away from the gate and involved walking two
hundred feet. There was a big crowd as was expected. Some of the boys chosen to
help the invitees as volunteers in white uniforms with a big coloured ribbon to
distinguish them were seen standing at the gate guiding the visitors.
One frail old lady past eighty with a hunch back came in a rickshaw
with her grandson. With a walker in hand, she struggled to move even a short
distance and was seen pleading with her grandson that they better return home.
The boy was reluctant and refused to go back even as the uniformed boys in
ribbons were watching them with amusement.
I learnt Karthick appeared from
nowhere asked her to get into the rickshaw and himself pulled it close
to the dais. He lifted her bodily and made her sit in a comfortable seat. This
was beyond the call of his duty as he was not one of the uniformed boys. What
impelled him to act as he did was his compassion.
From that day onwards, I stopped
worrying about the poor grades of Karthick. He may not become even a graduate and
may not even be the type of boy that the school would expect of its students to
come up with high marks in the final board examination. But he stood tall in
comparison to others in his class in compassion and kind ways.
None of my teaching the
prescribed lessons would have given him these God-endowed gifts. No university
degree would announce these sterling qualities that Karthik had in immense
measure. He might not have scored a centum in mathematics or high marks in
physics but he had scored an A plus from my heart. I felt my heart swell with
pride and the sense of defeat had vanished. I was determined to make him the
class leader from the next day.
Karthik had a heart of gold.
ReplyDeleteYes, making him the class leader will boost his morale and self confidence... Beautiful story, Kp.... Sandhya
ReplyDeleteThis is such a heartwarming story. Despite terrible conditions at home, he had not lost his humanity and compassion. As rightly said, academic success is nothing when shorn of these qualities.
ReplyDeleteNice story !
ReplyDeleteKarthicks are God's blessings to mankind. They are spontaneous, they are naturals. Even discipline and hard training can generate some makeshift prototypes of Karthicks.
ReplyDeleteA Heartwarming story to conclude the year. In my experience many a time the students who are academically driven fall short in being better humans. Karthik's gesture well appreciated. Being more humane matters more than marks/grades.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story.very good. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher, I come across so many Karthicks and try desperately to make them academically sound only to realize they have far greater potential in so many fields but given the rigour of the rat race with numbers as the sole criteria, we push them to score marks and nothing else. This is the harsh reality of the system. A beautiful story that looks at the humane part to excel and garner glory.
ReplyDeleteA story which makes us feel thankful to such teachers who have tried to create a society of children who are more than the marks they get in the exams.. I believe that Karthik has imbibed the good values due to the teacher's hard work. Children learn from example and the good teacher has shown him the right path.
ReplyDeleteTeacher's noble intentions towards Karthik could inculcate good thoughts in his mind despite his adverse family background. Good noble intentions can change the behaviour of aggressive militants?
ReplyDeleteCan emotional quotient be taught? It is good the teacher recognised the limitations of the existing exam methods... Can't ask a fish to climb a tree!
ReplyDeleteAll the front benchers and A graders might get into well paid jobs but it is mostly the bank benchers who become leaders and rule the people - one way or the other!
ReplyDeleteKarma varies in pattern according to the temperamental difference. Perhaps Karthik's steadfastness consists of his mind being released to do something great in future. Herein lies a teachers limitations. Very good story.
ReplyDeleteLast evening I read your story. Sorry, couldn't reply back instantly. Your stories are always with some good message. I like it very much. Kartik though was not good at studies happened to be kind and noble. Every child has different traits and speciality. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to understand that and groom the child accordingly for future..
ReplyDeleteThank you Gp🙏🏼🙏🏼
Kalpana. Nice story. Karthik, I spite of of getting low marks does not get depressed , but ready to help others in times of need. That way he is one in a million.
ReplyDeleteI had an emotional connect. We cannot assume that we know what others go through or that people move in the same pace or direction. Life is far from that. Just be kind enough to love one another.
Academic achievement is just a small part of an individual’s personality, humanitarian values and helping nature are more important in making a person worthy of respect. We are seeing it in our lives,
It is heartwarming that Karthik was a kind and helpful person inspite of his troubles at home which could easily make a person bitter even from a young age. Also appreciate the fact that he didn’t get demotivated by his inability to do well academically and didn’t drop out of school.
ReplyDeleteFine story. The world could use many more Karthicks (JJ)
ReplyDeleteI was able to notice that the teacher has become a student. The teacher was obsessed with academic performance, but failed to see the sportsman in Karthik. He was able to see beyond academics when he saw the humanity in Karthik. I can infer that Karthik is a leader and a path maker. If his energy was channelised , he would become a change we all would like to see!! Soul warming story!!
ReplyDeleteLiked this story a lot . People like Karthik have to be appreciated for his nature .
ReplyDeleteLiked this story a lot . People like Karthik need to be appreciated for who they are
ReplyDeleteThat the teacher had not realised that it was those very values that she/he was trying to inculcate in the students was what Karthik was exhibiting, shows how sincere and earnest some teachers are!!
ReplyDeleteHat off to KP sir for the beautiful story!!!
Basically, we are all witnessing a transformation from struggling student to compassionate leader. This should fill all our hearts with immense pride and hope for all human beings, and especially future generations, especially in places where academic achievement is valued above everything else!
Such an awesome story. Being a good human being is most important. A man of compassion, empathy, tolerance and forbearance will be recognised by the Almighty and his life will be well rewarded. What is the use of talent and education if character is not there. Please keep these stories coming. Loved it. Ranjani Murali