Friday, January 24, 2025

A Suitor in a Swanky car (916 words)

The swanky car screeched to a halt. Swarna turned to see a young man with dark glasses on the wheel. She had been standing alone at the wretched bus stop that had no shelter for 40 minutes. The sky was overcast with dark clouds getting darker and threatening to break into rain any moment.

“Can I drop you at the first auto stand? It will start raining any moment and there is no shelter. You can get in if it is ok for you,” he said

She was hesitant initially but when he opened the front door and she saw no other male occupants, she got in. He did not talk much but dropped her at the nearest auto stand. He waited till she boarded one before he drove away even before she could thank him. He seemed decent.

Three days later the car again stopped and she was dropped. What started as once or twice a week soon became almost a daily ritual. They became friends. Vikas came in different vehicles. He told her he was the son of a rich businessman with a management degree and was planning to expand his own business. A pleasant, engaging conversationalist, he won her heart quickly. She was drawn from middle-class circumstances and worked in a private company. Their friendship blossomed into love and they started meeting on weekends. Swarna found him a cultured and nice chap. Nevertheless, he pressured her to accompany him to a resort for a weekend. She firmly refused saying that it had to wait till they wed each other.

It was a Sunday and she had an unexpected visit by her college friend Akila. They were close buddies but hardly met after Akila’s marriage. They had lunch together and had a long chat in her room.

“Akila, I have news to confide in you. I am in love with a guy and we have been meeting regularly. He wants to carry forward the relationship to the next level and I have been restraining him. I told him that my parents would formally approach his parents,” Swarna said

“I am so happy, Swarna. I hope he is qualified and employed well. What is his background?”

“They are very affluent and that is one thing that is bothering me. His dad has a big business and he comes in different cars. Vikas is a management graduate wanting to enlarge his own business” Swarna said.” Here is his picture. Have a look. Isn’t he very handsome?” she asked.

“Yes, he is quite good-looking. But his face is very familiar. I have seen him somewhere and recently too. Do you have any other pictures?” Akila asked

When Swarna handed her a bunch of pictures of Vikas in different cars, Akila said, “Swarna, brace yourself for a shock. This guy is a mechanic in a reputed and big automobile shop. Look at this picture. This car is ours, and we had given it for a major overhaul and service. I think he is a big liar and a crook. Tomorrow, take a day off. I will come in my car. I will take you to the workshop and expose that rascal.”

The next day as the car stopped at the large automobile workshop with many cars, Akila got down telling Swarna to stay inside the tinted glass doors. After some time she whispered “Your man is coming towards us. Just lower the glass slightly and see whether he is the guy.”

In a few minutes, Swarna heard Vikas’s voice and saw him in worker’s blue overall. He asked Akila as he quickly surveyed the car,” Yes ma’am, what can we do for you?”

“I get some humming sound. By the way what is your good name?” asked Akila.

“Vikas, Vikas Menon to be exact,” he said

Immediately the door opened and out came Swarna. Her face was red with anger and disappointment. “So, you are a mechanic in this workshop and take daily the cars that are left here with you. Why did you lie to me that you are a management graduate and come from a rich family? I would have loved you even if you were a mechanic had you been truthful. You are a cheater, a liar and a crook. I curse the day I met you” she shouted and started weeping inconsolably.

“Swarna, don’t come to rash conclusions. Let us go inside the office and talk. People are watching” he softly said

“No, I don’t wish to listen to your falsehoods anymore. Akila, let us go,” she shouted.

Akila said” No, let us hear him. Come along with me.”

Vikas took them to a spacious air-conditioned room in the office and offered them the chairs. He sat before them in the richly upholstered chair. Both were surprised. He pressed the ball and a boy in blue overall entered and saluted him.

” Get some cold drink. It is hot today”

He looked sharply at Swarna and said “I am proud to be a worker and work along with my employees. I wish to learn the nuts and bolts of the job even though I am the owner. I test the car after they are serviced. Turn behind and see the picture. You can see me welcoming the Governor who inaugurated this shop. I dislike rash girls generally but you had a genuine reason. I must thank your friend for bringing you here.”

Swarna with her face bent down said feebly “I am sorry, Vikas.”


  1. She was mad at Vikas just because she thought he was only a mechanic and not an affluent person. He doesn’t deserve her.


  2. Rama Sampath Kumar: What a twist to the tale. A real surprise ending. As usually happens thought it would end in a disappointment to the girl. Honesty is what she was looking for and not the riches. A happy ending- All’s well that ends well!

  3. A good one with a happy ending. Swarna cannot be so naive. If she intended to take the relationship to the next level she should have done her homework. Just affulence is not a good basis to decide. Glad Vikas turned out to be in genuine.

  4. It was not a surprise end to the story as I had read similar story elsewhere . KP had nicely carried us forward till the climax in his inimitable style.

  5. Interesting story. Not sure who is more at fault here . . . one thing that bothers me is how Vikas was going around with his customers cars. I would stay away from both of them--one, who is only interested in the guy's money, and the other, who ”borrows” his customers' cars to show off!


  6. Very nice story. Ramakrishnan.

  7. Sounds like a very familiar story, KP! The interaction between them was good.. Sensible girls will never fall for a guy who comes in different cars... Good that the girls realised the truth. ....Sandhya

  8. Accepting the lift in the first place is scary. No other males or whatever a guy can easily overpower any. Girl. However if this relationship continues I see it doomed. They will always have trust issues.

  9. Aside from romance that seems to be the main plot of the story is the more valuable Management lesson - of how business owners should behave. A virtuous ethic is indeed the moral of this piece! Beautifully written.

  10. He did not tell her about the car workshop in so many months?!and she did not ask further ? I agree with Srikanth that he should not have given rides in customers’ cars. Good story nevertheless for readers to judge as they please!

  11. Unlike in celluloid, Vikas Menon tried to prove a good guy. However it is left for the reader to judge the continuity of their relationship! . Good story narrated so well as usual.

  12. Nice story 👌💐PKR

  13. Being a latecomer, I find that I hardly have anything more to add other than saying it was a good story!
    Predecessors have already expressed whatever one had thought about it.

  14. Interesting story.

  15. Swarna must know Vikas well enough that she must have trusted him more than she showed. Vikas should be the one who is concerned. (JJ)

  16. Interesting story and a nice ending. But I was able to guess the ending because I have read so many of your stories.

  17. Swarna's anger could well be because he was not honest with her about what he did for his living. But she is still to blame for trusting someone without knowing anything about him at all, choosing to believe his story. Trust issues, as pointed out by a commenter, would dog their lives if they ever reconciled and went on to marry. --Thangam

  18. Hmm! Interesting story!

  19. Very interesting story with an unexpected twist. I hope their love story continues, built on honesty and trust. — Deepak Raghavan
