Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Doubting God (1289 words)


Roopa Ghosh wound through the crowded roads in a three-wheeler. She had just 30 minutes to reach Chittaranjan Park for her appointment at 4 pm. Had she known the previous day she would have been well prepared. Only when she reached her office at 2 pm, she found a slip on her desk from the Editor. It read

” Mr. Nakul Goswami, the celebrated author, has agreed to give an interview at 4 PM today. Meet him at 24, RT road, CR Park sharp at the appointed time. Carry slips of paper for questions and answers as he is deaf-mute. His latest book Doubting God has already become a best seller for the year and a heated topic for discussion in literary circles. Can I have your report the day after tomorrow? I wish to carry it in this weekend's edition. Cheers, Som”

She knew this book was popular and much in demand though it is on her shelfari under books to be read. She quickly ran through Wikipedia and the internet to learn about the man, his background and his literary output. She read some rave reviews and jotted down some points in her diary. There was a tinge of envy when she found he was just 34, already famous as a writer with a few more books in the pipeline, and possibly already wealthy. She looked at the mirror, had a small touch-up, applied lipstick and sprayed gentle perfume. She did not want to look like a sun-beaten reporter with a hoarse voice and dishevelled hair.

She rang the bell a minute before 4 pm and was ushered into the study where Nakul Goswami was waiting for her. She greeted him with folded hands and he reciprocated by extending his arm. She shook his hands warmly. Both smiled at each other without a word. There was a twinkle in his eyes and looked younger for his age and was very handsome. The hair was slightly receding but it only enhanced his charm. He sat opposite her at the mahogany table in the spacious well-furnished air-conditioned room. They kept silent momentarily when Roopa scribbled her question in a slip.

“I am Roopa Ghosh from Bharat Times. I am fortunate to meet a celebrated author for the first time. I visualised a serious-looking person and am pleasantly surprised to see a young man who has achieved so much at this young age. I have read enough about you though I must confess I have not read your latest book Doubting God. I will do it within the next two days. My interview will not be about the book but more about you, your life and your motivations” She handed over the slip and kept the bunch of slips on the table under a paperweight.

He read it and laughed aloud. He wrote” You have a sweet name and an apt one too. I was actually looking for a middle-aged guy with three days stubble and not a young lady. Before we start tell me what will you have, tea or fruit juice?” and gave the slip.

She signalled a no with a wave of her hand but he ignored her and rang the bell.”I appreciate your honesty in telling me you have not read my book. Tell me about you before we proceed with the interview. How long have you been with this daily? You look in your early twenties. Where are your parents? What is your goal in life?”

“I am not that young and am 27. I live in Moti Bagh with my parents. My dad is a government official. I graduated with a degree in English literature and a degree in Journalism. I have been with this daily for nearly two years and wish to be a writer like you. Can I now start asking you questions?”

“Wow! We are birds of the same feather, a writer and a budding writer. We are both Bengalis too, he he. Okay, shoot your questions”

‘Born in a Bengali family where Maa Kali is held in great reverence, the title of your book Doubting God is intriguing. Are you not a believer?”

“Good question. My mother is a very pious lady doing all pujas and observing rituals. My dad is also a devotee but not very demonstrative. Much to my mom’s disappointment, I am an agnostic. I don’t interfere with her beliefs and gladly eat the sweet prasad she makes. Maybe when I grow old I may change or may not. I do not discuss this with others though the book is about an agnostic converted later by his lover. I am sure you must be a great devotee of Goddess Durga.”

“Yes, I am very pious and pray twice daily. Now coming to your writing, you are already an icon among the youngsters after the release of this best seller. What were the motivations of taking up such a theme? Can I say that it sounds like autobiographical after knowing your beliefs?”

“It is simply like this. I do not know whether God exists or not. I am not sure like others. So, this unsureness is unconsciously reflected in the story when I write. It is a theme that is known to me and has been discussed in the novel. As in all novels, there is a woman in it and inevitably a romance. I wished for a happy ending making the agnostic succumb to her persuasions. Of course, she could not prove the existence of god but he found it comforting to agree with his beloved. Please note he is not an atheist who refuses to believe in God but only professes his lack of knowledge about the existence of God”

“Do you mean an agnostic is a cowardly or a weak atheist vulnerable to romantic persuasions?”

“Haha, I think love is a powerful emotion. Won’t you agree?”

“I have no idea. I have had no lover” she laughed and he joined her

Meanwhile, the help brought a tray full of Sandesh, rosagollla and singharas with tea

They talked for quite some time through the slips of course about the initial difficulties in publishing a book, the disappointments of rejections, the unexpected break and finally when the book is out the tremendous response from readers. They talked about the publishers who initially rejected making a beeline with new offers once the fame and sales were established.

“Do you have any plans to write a novel?” he asked

“I wish to but do not know how to start it. My mind gets blank”

“Make a storyline for some 15 chapters and bring it to me. We shall discuss and refine them. You can then start writing. I am willing to help you” he said

“I your kindness touches me. I will consider it seriously. Thanks for the interview. It is nearing 7 pm.I must rush back” she wrote on the slip

He came up to the door, shook hands with her lingering a tad longer than usual and profusely thanked her.

On the second day, a messenger brought an envelope containing a draft of the interview and a small note from the Editor.

“Dear Mr. Nakul Goswami,

Please see the draft enclosed. It is written excellently by Roopa. If you wish to modify it, you can make the corrections. My office boy will come to collect tomorrow.

Incidentally, Roopa is all praise for you and thanks you for the courtesy shown to her. She told me about her plans to meet you soon but she did not reveal the purpose. I do not know whether you have observed that she is also a deaf-mute but she is one of our best reporters.

With best wishes and regards, 




  1. Wow. The last paragraph - the note/letter , gave a great finishing to the story


  2. Very good finishing touch.ramakrishnan.

  3. Nice. Pleasant story. Nice start ti my day. Thank you 😊 Meka

  4. The concluding paragraph clinched it all, love the way you bring a twist to the story. A good feel to correlate the story with Nakul& Roopa. Beautifully narrated.

  5. The portrayal and introduction of the characters, Roopa and Nakul to the reader so beautifully in the third para, and the finishing note of Som, the Editor
    in the story's ending is unparalleled. Loved it too much.

  6. Ah, how can the author skip a surprise at the end? It keeps one guessing what it might be…..

  7. Nice story and good ending .

  8. Beautiful creation yet again! The nicety lies in the novel plot being pretty much the same as evolving (at least the writer draws us towards such a thought!) between the interviewer and interviewee! And this, laced with subtle brushes of wisdom on God and faith makes it a compelling read! LOVELY!

  9. A very different kind of romantic tale! Enjoyed it -- Thangam

  10. Beautiful story ... well narrated story. Your stories never bore us, Kp... I expected you to take it to the next meeting of the two of them:) You are a pure romantic person by heart! ... Sandhya

  11. What a charming story!
    I already saw in it a great potential for a romantic novel on the life's journey of two very special individuals intertwined by fate; their hopes and aspirations, their trials and tribulations!

  12. Beautiful story! Loved how you portrayed the two strong, intelligent and successful characters. You played one their strengths and the romance and never once made them vulnerable in any way. Very beautifully written!

  13. The interaction between Roopa and Nakul is quite interesting, the way their conversation unfolded despite the communication barrier. The ending has a clever twist that makes the story memorable.

  14. Tied up in a bow, as they say. A real present! - Arvind Rajan

  15. A nice breezy read. I did not anticipate the surprise in the end! Good one.

  16. Sum up in last line superb

  17. A nice story that kept my interest throughout, right to the surprise at the end. Although, I suspect that it would not be a surprise for Nakul. He would have immediately recognized another deaf-mute from the subtle ways in how Roopa communicated beyond the exchanged notes. — Deepak Raghavan
