It was a small apartment with just one room, a small hall and a smaller kitchen. Bhagyam usually lay in the bed opposite a TV in the hall. She was living alone here after her husband died. She was getting a small government pension. She had no children but had siblings who rarely visited her.
She had been having a fever for the last two days and was feeling weak
and exhausted. She was past 75 and saw no purpose in her aimless life. She was
not able to read because of her poor vision.TV was the only diversion for her but
volume had to be kept high these days. Luckily her neighbour, her namesake, did not complain.
There was nothing to look forward to and each day was no different from the
other. Except for her young lady neighbour Bhagyam who was kind to her and made daily
visits asking her whether she needed any groceries, she had no friends.
Nevertheless, she often prayed for deliverance from this miserable life.
It was past 10 pm and the TV was blaring. Bhagyam suddenly felt a
shadow flitting across the room. To her shock she saw a tall, big, dark man
standing near the door with protruding big eyes and with long moustache that
policemen generally flaunt. He was bare-bodied with a dhoti tied through the
legs. He had a rope on one hand and a big mace on the other. The door was
locked and she wondered how he could have entered.
"Who are you? How did you enter? What is this strange outfit
like Yama (God of death)? Are you an actor coming straight from the shooting
studio? What brought you here? "She asked with no fear in her voice.
"You are right. I am indeed Yama come to take your life. Your time
is up. I can enter through any barrier and travel anywhere on my mount" he
replied in a loud and baritone voice
"Hahaha, I was actually praying for your visit and God had at last
answered my prayers. Where is your mount anyway?" she said with a big
toothless smile. She then heard a grunt from outside.
"People in death bed shudder at my sight and even die before I use
my rope. You seem a strange and fearless woman. What is your full name by the
way? asked Yama
"What a blunderbuss you are coming all the way to take my life
without even knowing my name? I am Bhagyam anyway"
"What is your husband's name?"
“Have you come to take my life or my husband's? For your information,
someone of your clan took him away ten years back. His name is
"Oh my God, is there anyone named Kannayiram in this
"Yes, he lives next door and his wife's name is also Bhagyam. Why
do you want to know about them, tell me now.”
"Sorry, grandma. There has been a mistake. I came looking for
Bhagyam Kannayiram but had wrongly entered your house"
"What a clumsy fellow you are! The municipal clerk who collected
Aadhar details is much smarter than you. Mind you, you cannot touch her after
you have blundered and scared me needlessly. She is my only bulwark. Take me
instead or leave her alone. This is the minimum I beg of you. People say you
are very just.”
The dark figure seemed to smile at her as it vanished.
The next moment Bhagyam heard a loud wail from the adjacent flat. She
got up hit by panic and ambled her way hurriedly to the flat to learn that the
younger Bhagyam had fallen in the bathroom and possibly broken her leg.
"Is she otherwise, ok?" asked the old woman to Kannayiram.
"I think so and she is sitting on the sofa and talking
normally," he said
"Grandma, I am fine. Nothing is wrong with me. It could be just a
sprain and not even a fracture," the younger Bhagyam said
The old woman much relieved understood now why the dark figure
smiled when he disappeared.