Sunday, June 9, 2024

Pushpa's wish (655 words)

This is a delectable short story written more than a decade back. I am sure of your chuckle at the end.!

Pushpa, whenever she found time in the evenings, went to the lake nearby. Sitting alone and watching the darkening sky as the sun went down made her forget her gloomy life. With mom sick, dad slogging at a textile shop for long hours for a measly salary and four siblings, she bore the brunt of the work. She could not join college. Although smart and attractive, she was not fortunate in circumstances but had a positive outlook hoping for a miracle.

She saw a little yonder in the sky, a dark bluish smoke-like thing emerging from the lake that soon morphed into a tall figure that was broad in the middle but tapered into a narrow line. She got up hurriedly to leave the place but it stood before her in a trice. In a booming voice, it said, "Don't be afraid. I will not harm you. I am a genie and remained bottled up for many years by an evil man. I got released a little while ago when the bottle was pushed against a rock by a fish and the bottle broke. I am in a happy frame of mind and wish to grant you a boon being the first person I saw on my release. You can choose one of the three wishes that can neither be modified nor taken back. I will appear after two years to see how you are faring Are you ready to listen?"

Pushpa gathered courage and said “Shoot out. I am in a hurry."

"The first one is you can become very rich but remain unmarried all through life. The second one is you will remain poor but get a very handsome and loving husband.
The third one is you will get rich and get a reasonably good husband also but you will live only for three more years. Think carefully and tell me what you wish."

It was a tough choice for Pushpa. She thought about her needs, her family’s needs and also about the future. It was difficult and took considerable time

“Be quick. I give you two minutes to decide,” said the genie

“Okay, I have decided to go for the first wish”

“Oh my god, do you wish to remain a spinster all through life for the sake of money? It is, however, your choice. I grant it now. Will see you again after two years. Good luck.”

Within a short time, she became a crorepati in KBC and made wise investments in the textile business that turned highly profitable. She bought a new house, educated her siblings, and got her mom treated well. Everyone was happy and life was very​​ comfortable with servants to assist. Pushpa was also cheerful and had put on some flab in her happiness. It was all hunky dory for them.

Exactly two years later when Pushpa was sitting in her usual spot at the lakeside, the genie appeared as promised. “How are you, my young friend? I can see signs of prosperity and you also look healthier. But I am sorry that you remain unmarried at an age when you should be enjoying life.”

“When were you, my benefactor, bottled up by the evil man?” she asked.

“Ah, it must be more than sixty years though I don’t remember exactly.”

“Never mind. Much water has flown under the bridge since then. The world has changed a lot. What if I am a spinster? Haven’t you heard of ‘live-in’ relationships? I have a handsome guy living with me and we are not married in deference to your condition. I am very happy and indebted to you for life” she said and laughed merrily.

“I never knew about such an option as otherwise I would have worded the wish differently. Where is the world headed, I wonder? Continue to be happy and get married to him, if you wish, my friend,” the genie exclaimed, as it vanished.




  1. Cultural evolution keeps happening every era to another. Definition of life’s goal, one’s wish and happiness vary too. Good story.

    ….. Chitra

  2. A good one. Pushpa s choice was right and a smart move thereafter keeping up with the times. Now that's a good and broad minded genie.

  3. In this Kalikalam, only money will be the main factor to judge a person. It is quite natural for a clever person to exploit the loopholes to get their interest fulfilled. Pushpa has taken care of her family and then only she is trying to get her desires fulfilled. Quite reasonable in this Kalikalam.

  4. Ha ha! Not surprising since Pushpa came from the line of Sati Savitri who didn’t ask for her husband’s life and Cinderella who didn’t bother to ask for a charming Prince but just a night off in a beautiful dress :-))

  5. Ha ha. That was a good one, KP. Indeed people go for money and if there are loopholes, they use them and if not, they create them to enjoy the money. Times indeed have changed!

  6. எப்பொருள் எந்தவிதமான இயல்புகளை உடையதாக இருந்தாலும், அப்பொருளில் அடங்கியுள்ள உட்பொருளை அறிந்து புரிந்துகொள்வதே அறிவாகும்.
    Janardhan N

  7. Fascinating!! A reflection of our changing times!n Wow!


  8. Yes the story deserves a chuckle..nice one

  9. How delicate is the fine line between life and uncertainties ahead. Pushpa chose wisely and made it worth living for her family. 'Live -in ' is a reality even a decade ago and now has become more common and accepted, in spite of murmurs around. A fascinating story !

  10. Nice story with some good morals. 1. Man proposes, GOD disposes. 2. Even in the midst of turmoil in life, keep yourself engaged in some recreation with mind stable. 3. The customs of society change with time. However one should respect and adopt and practice the right ones in right spirit. Sir, Look forward to your next story. WIth Warm Regards

  11. Very nicely written, doing what's best for everyone. Pushpa is not a delicate flower but a bright and intelligent blooming plant 😁 Regards - Mahesh

  12. Lakshmi SrinivasanJune 9, 2024 at 7:28 PM

    Lovely story. Hard to resist the smile which comes in the end. 😀
    She would have been elated as she has overcome the genie's conditions using her intelligence. Quite like savitri and the yamaraja👌

  13. Very right decision by Pushpa....Now she has got everything she deserves. She had spent the money to bring up her family and all are settled now...She deserves to be happy...Good twist in this story, Kp....Sandhya

  14. Being of the same vintage as the genie, couldn't anticipate the smart choice by Pushpa beforehand! 😊

  15. I knew you were going to end like that. Otherwise, I would have suggested this end for the story.

  16. Bijaylaxmi SarangiJune 11, 2024 at 6:52 AM

    Pushpa is cleverer than the genie, hardly the poor genie knew. Nice and happy story..Thank you GP..

  17. A genie normally gives three wishes - but this smart genie gave Pushpa three wishes from which to choose one . She definitely turned out to be a smart woman- the Genie was like RIP VAN WINKLE but instead of sleeping he was bottled up and did not realise that the world had changed in those 60 years and this was a new generation with a different moral and social code of conduct ….. a nice twist to the tale in the end ..Rama Sampath Kumar

  18. In this day and age girls are successful and confident on their own terms and merit. They don’t have to be dependent on any man. With a sick mom and father who needed all the help financially, Pushpa made the most suitable and smart decision. As for companionship that’s her prerogative. Nice story!

  19. Money is not everything but neither is happiness. (jj)

  20. Ha ha ha. Very apt for the present generation.

  21. Aah, this one is a real story. Enjoyed, with that chuckle in the end.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  22. are so current and trending with the times we are in!!!

  23. Sukumar NarasimhanJuly 27, 2024 at 10:54 PM

    Indeed, asking carefully while being granted a boon is important; there was this guy who wished that he sit in one place and all people give him money rather than work for a living. The next moment, he found himself outside a SULABH facility!
