Thursday, June 6, 2024

What a strong fate line can do for you? (969 words)

 Anand was in despair as all his efforts to secure a job had failed. He was tired of attending interviews only to be rejected. He was just a graduate with no special skills He stood no chance in a job market where skilled persons were ready to work for smaller remuneration. He knew his dad held no high opinion of him and thought his craze for singing film songs would lead him nowhere.

True he had an arresting voice and could enthral his friends by singing very much like the famous playback singers. His mom would often tell that if she closed her eyes she hardly could distinguish his singing from the famous names. He was already 26 and his dad would retire soon. There was a compelling need to augment the family income

As he was sitting in the park lost in his sullen thoughts, one man with ash marks and a big Kumkum on his forehead sat by his side. After some silence, he made a gratuitous remark, “I can read faces and hands. I can see you are worried about your future. Let me read your palm and tell you what is in store for you.”

When Anand ran his hand over his empty pocket, the man said,” You don’t have to pay anything.” After reading his hand intently, the man did not utter one word. When he rose to leave, Anand asked him to tell unhesitatingly whatever he had found out.

The man said,” I am sorry. The Money line on your palm is hazy and broken in many places. That would signify a life of want and misery. Still, I see other signs of prosperity. I am confused as I have rarely come across a palm like yours.”

That night he had a weird and crazy thought like, “Why not make a strong well-etched fortune line and change the course of my life” He took a pen knife and drew a line on his palm with the sharp knife. In the sudden pain, he fell cutting his artery in the wrist as well. There were none in the house then. Luckily, he was taken by neighbours in the nick of time to hospital. He had to remain in the hospital for some days. It was here destiny played its queer part. He fell in love with the attractive nurse Sindhu attending to him. She too took a fancy for him. She contrived to spend longer hours with him.

When they knew each other's interests and passions, she was surprised about his craze for singing. Being a music buff herself, she made him sing for her. She was mesmerised by the ease with which he sang, his rich voice with its high reach, and his incredible ability to imitate the legends in the field. She became more attracted to him and their love grew in intensity. But she knew he was jobless and she was willing to wait. He was discharged from the hospital. Unlike the hazy one earlier, the wound had healed with a clear fate line on his palm. They both laughed over the funny incident that brought them together.

Back at home, he started with renewed vigour to find a job. After a month or so, he received a call one day on his mobile. The voice said “Is it Anand? I am an assistant to the famous music director Tune King. He wants you to come for an audition at his studio tomorrow. Are you coming?”

Anand asked in a perplexed tone” I am Anand alright. But I am not in the cine field or well known. Are you sure you have the right number?”

“The Music director gave the number he possibly got from someone who had recommended you. Please come without fail. This could be a big breakthrough, who knows?” he said

He had to wait for a long time. There were many going in and coming out. Finally, just before 6 pm, he was called in. The director looked like a hefty man and was quite tall with an imposing figure. Clad in spotless white, he said,” So you are Anand. I heard from someone you sing well and can imitate the big stars in the field. But I want you to sing any song you like in your style. If I like your voice and am satisfied that you will suit me, I will make you sing with accompaniments. Come on, be free from fear.”

Wondering who could have mentioned about him, Anand sang one catchy and popular song with effortless ease. Taken aback, the director asked him to sing one more. That done, he kept asking him to sing again and again. He finally stood up and came near him to hug him saying “I have found a rare gem. You have great talent. You will turn the music world upside down. From now on, you are working for me and no one else. We will draft an agreement tomorrow” He drew from his pocket a bundle of notes and gave him saying ‘Keep this. This is a small token of my appreciation”

When Anand lingered, the director asked him “Yes, what do you want?”

“May I know who recommended my name to you for no one in the field knows me. This is a private hobby of mine”

Hearing this, he laughed aloud and said “That pretty nurse girl in the hospital spoke for you. I was there for some treatment. She took a promise from me that I would hear you once. Are you in love with her or what?”

Six months later when Anand was in his home cutting apples with a knife, his wife Sindhu snatched the knife from him and said smilingly” I would not trust you anymore with a knife.”


  1. Beautiful story! Thank you for churning out these amazing gems! 👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏


  2. When I read big ash mark and kumkum in his forehead, I was thinking you might end this story that man was M. S. Viswanathan, the great Music Director. Your description fitted very well with MSV.

    1. Don't know how this ended as Anonymous. This is SG

  3. A beautiful and touching story portraying the truth faced by many a young youth… but this story takes a turn halfway to make it interesting and wanting to know what is ahead.
    Clearly shows that a person often meets his “destiny on the road he took to avoid it. ... It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. ... It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Rama Sampath Kumar

  4. Anand would have completely forgotten all about his belief that the lines he deliberately carved out on his palms were directly responsible for his fortuitous encounter with the captivating nurse!

  5. Very interesting story... He was lcky to have met Sindhu afer diverting the fate line... Good storyline.... Sandhya

  6. If opportunity was in his destiny, would it have come through some other route if he hadn’t cut his wrist?I wonder..
    Nice story. Glad for the happy ending.

  7. A beautiful and feel good story. It correctly depicts the issues faced by the unemployed. The way Anand took charge after the palmist' s words is interesting and that act sealed his future.

  8. The love of a woman can uplift a man from his misery and change his destiny. Regards - Mahesh

  9. This story reiterates the fact that we are the sculptors of our destiny. His action may have been misguided and impulsive and could have led to fatal consequences . But on the other hand it emphasises taking action is better than doing nothing and believing in fate.

  10. A beautiful nice story. Whatever is written in your destiny is bound to happen. The best part of the story is last line .. Knife the villain !

  11. Nice and sweet story stressing on the importance of taking action.

  12. Feel good predictable story.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  13. Indeed, what all things a 'strengthened' fate line can do!

  14. Beautiful story to bring us smiles. Thank you


  15. It is an uplifting story with a beautiful ending. The role of fate or chance is very significant, making the quick pacedjourney even more exciting!

  16. Beautiful story. Very nice. Ramakrishnan.

  17. For those sincere souls, there is always a God watching.

  18. N. L. KrishnamurthyJune 6, 2024 at 11:41 PM

    Very interesting.

  19. Very strange - I thought my comment had been saved and gone for approval. A beautiful story that shows how a woman's love can shape a man's destiny. Regards - Mahesh

  20. No pain, no gain 🙂

  21. Anand has taken fateline law into his hands. For this he got a knife, musical talent,a nurse who became his wife who had recommended strongly to her patient music director.
    Is it possible for others aspiring to improve their fateline to get similar help!

  22. A very different story from the usual though it has the flavour of our practices and culture. Shaping and drawing out one's fate line did bring in more than its share of luck.

  23. Dear Chittappa, what a voice of conscience! In many ways, you've captured most of our deepest thoughts so beautifully, as eloquently as is possible! PRANAMS

  24. Sukumar NarasimhanJuly 27, 2024 at 11:03 PM

    Super SWEET! It's SO HARD stopping reading your beautiful thoughts that find expression through simple lovely stories! Pranams
