Sunday, September 15, 2024

G mami's secret (715 words)

Ambujam mami knew almost everyone in the sprawling apartment complex She had the knack of befriending everyone with her pleasant conversation. Always well-dressed, she was a picture of grace wearing a smile on her face. She lived with her husband, who worked long hours, and their daughter, Sumitra, who also had an office job.

Alone and idle during the afternoons, Mami wandered the complex, gathering information by chatting with neighbours in the lobbies, play areas, or pathways. Twice daily, she took walks where she’d meet most of the residents. Nothing happened in the complex without her knowing—new tenants, pregnancies, children's schools, family disputes—she was aware of it all. This knack earned her the nickname "Gmami," with the "G" representing both her block and her gossiping nature. It wasn’t her fault, she believed, that she knew everything and occasionally shared it with others. Still, many residents tried to avoid her.

These days she had been noticing for the last few months every weekend, when she went out to visit relatives, a young man visiting the complex on his motorbike. Clad in jeans and colourful shirts, he looked muscular and quite handsome. What intrigued Gmami was that Renuka of E block rushed out every time that young man came in a motorbike and was seen talking to him in a corner of the community hall.

Renuka and Sumitra were close friends, having grown up together in the complex. Mami, however, was careful not to mention this to her daughter, fearing her disapproval of her snooping. But Mami couldn’t hold the secret and confided in a few other ladies. They confirmed her suspicion: Renuka was secretly meeting the young man, without her parents’ knowledge. Mami considered telling Renuka’s mother but decided against it, as the woman had never been particularly warm toward her.

Whenever Gmami was leaving the complex, Sumitra would invariably excuse herself from accompanying her pleading she had some work or needed rest. One Saturday when Gmami was leaving, she saw Renuka in animated conversation with that young man pointing at her and giggling with him. She could take no more of these nasty goings on and decided to tell her mom about their secret meetings.

The next Monday she took her close friend from the opposite apartment with her and went to Renuka’s house. Luckily Renuka was not at home. Her mom welcomed them warmly and said “What a pleasant surprise your visit is. I know you as Sumitra’s mom but we have never mingled much.”

After the initial pleasantries, Gmami said, “In fact, I wished to come earlier but was somewhat hesitant. I was not sure how you would react to the information that I wished to convey to you.”

“Why would I react? You can tell me freely without hesitation. I am eager to hear you,” the lady said.

“Please don’t take me amiss. Renuka is like my own daughter, Sumitra. But I thought you should know that Renuka has been meeting a young man near the community hall every weekend. They seem very close, and I wasn’t sure if you were aware.”

“Frankly I am not aware. Let me check with Renuka. We are a liberal family and would not object to her choosing her boyfriend and eventually even her partner. Since she hasn’t mentioned it, let me find out,” the lady said calmly.

It was then Renuka entered the house unexpectedly. Gmami was taken aback and started to get up. The lady restrained her asking her, “Please be seated. Let us ask Renuka in your presence. We will know the facts”

After hearing the situation, Renuka turned to Gmami and said, “Mami, brace yourself. That young man? He’s not meeting me; he’s meeting Sumitra. They’ve been dating for over a year. Every weekend, he checks with me to see if you’ve left so he can visit her. He spends an hour or two with her. We came to know very recently he had lied about his qualifications and his lowly job. Sumitra didn’t tell you because she knew you’d disapprove.”

Gmami sat in stunned silence. Sumitra? Her daughter? The woman who knew everyone’s secrets had missed the most important one in her own home. For once, she had no gossip to share—only unpleasant news to suffer in silence.



  1. Karma bites hard. Regards - Mahesh

  2. Karma : Everything you do ; comes back to you.

    A good story to advise against self righteous people, who judge others quickly


  3. Nice story Sir.
    There is a saying in Hindi that seems best fit for the story. 'चिराग तले अँधेरा' meaning shade below the lamp.
    Another Hindi saying also fits appropriately is 'जिनके घर शीशे के बने हों, वे दूसरों के घरों पर पत्थर नहीं फेंकते' meaning people with glass houses do not/should not throw stones at others houses. Regards

  4. I have seen this in real life -- in close family circles. The parents are suffering the indignity of their daughter moving around with men, even after her marriage, the husband being meek and loathe to making it a public spectacle. Needless to say, the couple used to criticise other parents for allowing their children too much freedom!

  5. Nice build up and I like the final twist in the tale. The big shock to G Mami was a pleasant surprise!

  6. Gossip is not inherently bad; it plays an important role in keeping our social circles connected. It is most unfortunate that it boomeranged on her!

  7. Motto: Mind your business,donot poke your nose into unwanted/unconnected issues.

  8. Nice story, liked the twist. :)

  9. Sometimes the watchman can have his own belongings stolen. (jj)

  10. Nice turning of tables. Love the moral undercurrents of your stories.

  11. Nice story. Poor G mami.

  12. Very nice story and have seen several ladies similar to GMami

  13. My fullest sympathies go with the curious but the harmless lady G Mami!

    It might have been a trap set to embarrass her and make her amenable to 'progressive ideas' through the contrived and not so secret meeting every weekend between her daughter's close friend Renuka and the young man at a corner of the community hall!

    Was it not possible to establish a direct communication channel between the office going young lady Sumitra and the young man? Rather, it could very well be to make her own choice of a groom acceptable to her nosy mother, Sumitra herself might have conceived the idea of the 'secret' weekend meetings between Renuka and the young man to take place exactly in the way those did!

  14. A nice story but felt sorry for Gmami - one wshe was at the receiving end and two she failed to see below her nose. Well narrated and a nice turn of tables.

  15. Nice story. Good lesson for overly curious neighbor.

  16. Didn't see that twist coming! Gmami sounds cool... Maybe she needs a spin off series:)

  17. Very nice story. I read and reread.🙏🙏

  18. We have a replica of Gmami in our complex, and call her Amami , as she stays in A block. When the story unfolded, I was eager to know the end . In my case both her sons are settled abroad having married foriegn girls. Her gossips had both good effects at times, which we enjoyed and discarded when it's is bad.

  19. Loved the title, made me all the more inquisitive and goes well with the nature as well as how people earn the sobriquet of the particular block against their names. The story lives up to the popular adage that we end up falling into the pit dug up for others!

  20. Good story with a message. Narration makes it more interesting! I have got a lady in my own circle who is keen on knowing gossips and spreading it everywhere adding salt and pepper . Now, her own son married a girl from outside his caste and it is hurting her. She is very quiet now....Sandhya

  21. The theme of misplaced trust is a common one. But you have given it a different spin. The unexpected twist at the end is nice.

  22. Interesting turn of events
