Thursday, September 26, 2024

The tough choice


Kunal was content with his accommodation in Chandigarh. The house owners, Sethi and his wife Basanti, were warm and caring. He had chosen to stay with them as a paying guest for six months. Though they had never taken in a paying guest before, they agreed at the request of a mutual friend. Their hesitation was understandable; Kunal, at 27, was highly educated, handsome, and successful. Yet, one might wonder why these admirable traits could pose a problem—until it became known that the couple had three beautiful daughters, all 22, and triplets at that.

The daughters were not only beautiful but also talented, excelling in both academics and sports. Sethi’s worry wasn’t that one of his daughters might fall for Kunal; rather, he feared all three might. And, considering their identical looks, Kunal might struggle to choose between them. While Sethi wrestled with his concerns, Basanti remained neutral. However, the decision was clinched when all three daughters pleaded in unison for their parents to allow Kunal to stay.

But if you thought the matter was resolved, you’d be mistaken. It was only the beginning of a dilemma. All three daughters developed an instant liking for Kunal, each eager to outdo the other in serving him—be it bringing breakfast, pressing his clothes, or cleaning his room. The once-close sisters soon found themselves competing for his attention, leading to constant friction over who would do what.

Kunal, ever the diplomat, remained friendly with all three, each girl believing she held his heart. He relished the attention but faced a greater challenge: choosing one from the identical trio, each uniquely appealing. He felt that though they look similar, their personalities can differ with different tastes and values. He wished to explore a little further before deciding on one who was compatible with him to cultivate more.

The next morning, Ankita arrived early with tea and the newspaper. "Good morning. Let’s cut to the chase,” Kunal said. “What is it about me that makes you like me so much? Be honest."

Caught off guard, Ankita hesitated but then grinned. "I’m a huge fan of Aamir Khan. You resemble him, and I’ve always adored his looks. I see you as the closest thing to him, and that’s enough for me."

Kunal laughed. "Aamir Khan, huh? That’s a high compliment. Thanks for being so open."

They spent the next few minutes discussing his latest show, Satyameva Jayate, before parting ways.

Later that morning, Amruta brought him breakfast, looking radiant in a Patiala suit. "Wow, you look amazing. Going somewhere special?" Kunal asked.

"Nope, just dressed up for you. How do I look?"

"Stunning, as always. So tell me, what draws you to me?"

Laughing, she replied, "Honestly? One day I caught a glimpse of you after your shower—towel, six-pack, the whole deal. You looked like Tiger Shroff, and from that moment, I knew you were mine. You just radiate strength and confidence.”

Kunal chuckled. "Well, thank you. I see you’re not shy either."

After some more light conversation, he excused himself to run errands.

He returned late for lunch, where Anjana was waiting with his meal. "You’re late! You must be starving," she teased.

"Thanks for waiting. Let me ask you something—do you like me?"

She looked down, shy but smiling. “Isn’t it obvious?”

"Yes, but I’d like to know why."

"Because you’re kind. You haven’t taken advantage of our fondness for you, and you treat everyone—no matter their status—with respect and compassion. That’s rare, and it’s what I admire most in you. Looks fade, but kindness doesn’t."

Kunal smiled warmly and extended his hand. “You’ve won me over. I couldn’t decide before, but now I know. Please keep it to yourself for the present.?”

Anjana smiled but said nothing when Basanti’s voice rang from downstairs. "Has Kunal finished his lunch? Where are you, Anjana?"

They both smiled before she ran away.

Later that evening, Kunal received a call from Mr. Sethi. "Kunal, why don’t you join us for dinner at 7:30? We’d love to chat."

At the dinner table, Sethi sat at the head, with Basanti and Anjana on one side, Ankita and Amruta on the other. The atmosphere was light, filled with soft laughter.

“Kunal,” Sethi began with a grin, “I heard you were chatting with all my daughters today. Don’t be fooled by them. They’re sharp and mischievous. But we’re here tonight to share some news.”

Kunal looked over at Anjana, a smile tugging at his lips.

Sethi continued, “Brace yourself, Kunal. All three girls are leaving for the U.S. next month for their postgraduate studies. Berkeley offered all of them financial aid, but only Anjana accepted. Ankita is heading to Georgia Tech and Amruta to Harvard. While they may have a liking for you, their immediate focus is on their education and careers. They didn’t want to spoil your romantic mood and played along with your questions. But who knows what’s in a woman’s heart?”

Kunal’s smile faded as the news sank in. The girls, laughing, rushed to hug him as Sethi stood up to pat Kunal.

“Who knows what fate has in store, Kunal? Maybe one day, you’ll be my son-in-law after all!”


  1. What a wonderful story with a twist! Surely, aims and desires that were accepted a generation ago, is challenges and changing!! The Kunals of today and tomorrow have to learn to live with this uncertainty!!!
    Janardhan N

  2. A good one with an unexpected twist. Only if Kunal had read them better or should it be attributed to the alpha male attitude. Also, well played perfect hosts.

  3. During the beginning of this story I was thinking what a lucky guy he is. Then at the end, I was reminded of a song from an old Tamil movie, Thooku Thooki. Pengalai nambadhe kangaley pengalai nambadhe. (Don’t trust women, my friends, don’t trust women.)

  4. Nice story with a suspense at the end! Atin Biswas

  5. A good story with a twist. You have an appreciative writing style


  6. Nice ending. Glad the girls had their goal correctly set!

  7. Now, this is the type of a story, I relish from you!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  8. Your theme, places, people, situations are totally new in this story. Waeving stories like this is a master‘s skill. Congrats Sir💐💐💐PKR

  9. Everybody enjoyed the open friendship! Let the girls finish their education and come back and decide! They might have an entirely different taste...this is interesting....Sandhya

  10. A very nice story subtly pushing importance of education, independence and confidence in girls. I loved the twist . I would have been very disappointed had it been a simple romance. You know to keep up with time and social awareness. Looking forward to your next story!

  11. Not only the hero of the story, the reader also gets ragged by the development!
    An eminently likeable story.

  12. It's another beautiful story full of hope and possibilities for the girls, whereas Kunal's goodness will make him successful every moment of his future. Aptly captured the Newgen moods and aspirations by our master story teller ! Thank you with full heart.

  13. I am happy that the ending was not the expected one and that Kunal had his come uppance for being so sure of himself! Kudos to the triplets for having their priorities right.
    -- Thangam

  14. Let Kunal find love elsewhere - this is infatuation from the young women. In the quest of waiting, one never knows what Kunal may miss and if the triplets each find someone better. Regards - Mahesh

  15. Loved the story. Happy to see the girls prioritize education and career over everything else. :)
