Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The mysterious disappearance (1343 words)

(An interesting story that may keep you engrossed)
 It was raining heavily with staff members coming out of offices and seeking cover under the porticos of office buildings or shops.

“How about a hot coffee at the adjacent coffee shop?" asked Vittal to his good friend and colleague Shoba.
Seated in a corner of the coffee shop with coffee cups in their hands, Vittal looking at her intently said, “Are the ear studs new? The penguin-shaped one with a red stone fixed on it for the eye looks exquisite on your face.”
“Yes, I fell for it when I saw it. It is a new and unique design. I bought them yesterday at the mall,” replied Shoba. She readily agreed to Vittal’s wish and posed for a selfie with him that displayed the stud prominently.
” Shoba, I have been observing you for the past two weeks and notice a look of worry on your face. Are you keeping well with no health issues? I have not seen the usual smile for a long time. Tell me if there is any problem that I can help resolve.”
She kept quiet for a long time. When she did not answer, Vittal said, “Never mind, drink the coffee before it gets cold. The rain has subsided. We will make a move.”
“I am sorry Vittal. You are someone more than a friend and someone whom I could trust and in whom I could confide. Let me tell you in strict confidence what is bothering me. I have been dating secretly someone in our office for a year. You know him well as I have seen you both together often.”
“Did you say secretly dating? why should it be that way? A guy in our office known to me? How come I did not get a scent of it?” asked Vittal in a baffled tone.
“It is Vikram Arora in marketing. You must know him well.”
“Who will not know that dapper guy with his charming ways and flashy style. He is a close friend as we were classmates at IIT. Surprising, he has not uttered one word about you so far. I have heard friends telling me he is the heartthrob of many female employees. You are lucky he has chosen you. Why this veil of secrecy? If the friendship is open, it will keep others away from him. When are you both getting married?”
“It was at his insistence that I did not tell anyone and secretly met him in resorts and hotels on weekends. You know I have no parents or any close relatives here.”
“Such an amorous development should reflect joyfully in your face. Why this melancholy look then?” If you had confided in me earlier as a trusted friend, I would have advised you not get too close to him till the wedding is decided publicly. I know him well from his college days. Do not lower your guard. I would advise you, if you really love him, get married soonest.”
“Vittal, I am actually in trouble due to my foolishness in falling for his sweet talk. I explained to him the urgency of the marriage in the condition I am. His reaction is callous and irresponsible. He tells me it is my problem for not being careful and asks me to abort or get lost. He even has the cheek to tell he cannot marry every woman with whom he had slept,” confided a sobbing Shoba.
“I feared this response. What will you do now? Did you consult a doctor? Vittal asked her with concern
“I will not buckle that easily. I threatened him that I had proof of all his messages on my mobile phone and that I would lodge a complaint in the office and if needed go to the police. He got jittery and asked me to wait for two months when his sister would have been married and he would marry me immediately in a gala function.”
“If I were you. I would still get rid of the problem immediately. He is not trustworthy. Do what you think is best before it is too late for redemption, “ he consoled her.
“Do not worry. I can afford to wait for two months,” she assured.
Vittal left the next day on a long tour for nearly a month. He got immersed in work and did not think much of Shoba. He was once or twice concerned about Shoba and her relationship with that wily Vikram.
On the day he returned to the office, he was busy meeting senior bosses and in meetings. Only as the evening drew close, did he remember Shoba, he requested his secretary to get her on the intercom.
“Don’t you know, Sir, she stopped coming to the office two weeks after you left on tour? Our HR department’s efforts to trace her at her apartment failed as she was missing there also. She had left no message to people. The landlady had also complained to the police. Our legal office has also informed the police. So far they have drawn a blank with no clue of her whereabouts. Her mobile is switched off. We are all very much disturbed. She was pleasant and seemingly had no problem. She had no romantic interest to our knowledge,” replied the secretary.
When Vittal met Vikram the next day in the corridor, the latter betrayed no emotion. On the other hand, he hugged Vittal and asked, “Where had you gone? I was told you had gone on tour. I need your help this Sunday. I am shifting my house to another locality. I want you to be at my place to keep an eye on the things at my present place as I will be busy receiving things in the new house. The truck will carry the big packages like furniture, fridge and washing machine. We will take in our cars the costly electronic and delicate items finally.”
Though Vittal agreed readily, an irksome thought crossed his mind about the coincidence of the disappearance of Shoba and Vikram’s shifting to another apartment.
Next Sunday the truck carried all the heavy things to the new location. Some personal items, electronic items, and some expensive glass items were stacked in Vikram’s car and a few in Vittal’s. Both cars followed the truck and reached the new apartment. A few men were arranging heavy things inside the apartment at the proper places. Vittal called two men who were standing idle to take the  things from both cars carefully inside which they did.
When everyone was inside the apartment, Vittal cross-checked Vikram’s vehicle's boot to see if nothing had been left behind. It seemed. empty though it was dark inside. When he narrowed his eyes and looked hard, he saw something shining in one corner at the rear. Curiously, he pulled up the mat and saw to his shock, one penguin stud with red stone. There was a reddish-brown smear on one side of the stud. He took care not to touch it but made sure it was one of the pair he had seen on Shoba. He closed the boot even as Vikram came down with the labourers.
Vikram thanked him profusely before Vittal took leave calmly without revealing the horror of what he saw and his strong suspicion.
 He stopped on his way at a public booth, rang the Police emergency number 112 and said “Please listen carefully. Look for Honda City Car number DL XX XX XX**** at ..... apartments, Third Avenue, …..Bagh and check the rear end of the boot for a penguin-shaped ear stud smeared possibly with blood and connect it to the missing woman reported if any within the last fortnight. Do not waste a moment. Seize the car.You may lose the vital clue. You will get a photo of the missing woman with the stud very soon.”
“Hello what is your name, where are you speaking from? Can you please hold on for a moment?” asked an anxious voice from the other end only to hear a click of the phone being disconnected.


  1. This story must have happened in the pre cell phone era After a long time, read about a public booth in a story. Also the name , Vittal in a story.

    With cell phone , they would have taken photos of everything.

    Good that the police are informed about the culprit.


  2. You kept us engaged through the story. Good narration of a mystery yet to be solved. Goes to show how people, both good and bad, can life double lives. And underscores the adage that problems don’t solve themselves, we must confront the unpleasant now rather than harbor foolish hope. — Deepak Raghavan

  3. Good that culprit is reported to be punished. A good gripping story


  4. In the story, the writer dutifully did handholding of the readers almost till the end. Now, it is for each reader to choose his or her own course to reach the point of culmination!

  5. An interesting story, hopefully a sequel follows. The number of Vikrams are rising in the recent times albeit due to gullible Shobas..When in a relationship go by your mind , your gut.

  6. Suspense is maintained till the end in this gripping story. Yes, engrossing till the end and waiting for part II.

  7. What Vikram did was wrong and maybe criminal.

  8. Kannaal Kaanbadhum Kaadhaal ketpadhum poi. Theera visaarippadhey mei.

  9. Couldn’t take my eyes off the story! Kept me going and longing for more - Rush

  10. A very compelling and engaging story waiting for the mystery to be solved.

  11. Gripping story and as usual kept us debating

  12. This is an eye opener for the youngsters of today not to keep secrets from close friends.
    When the Shobha confided in him Vittal should have promptly told her explicitly about Vikram’s wayward ways . A major catastrophe could have been avoided !

  13. Unfortunately such stories keep repeating in real life. Regards - Mahesh

  14. An interesting story! Appears that Vittal didn't want not want to disclose his identity out of fear. Atin Biswas

  15. It’s a warning bell for every female not to fall prey to any person before marriage or before making it known to the dear and near ones. PKR

  16. Very interesting story... If she had other friends also she would not have become closer with outside people... Felt sorry for her... Engrossing story, Kp... Sandhya

  17. Well written on a subject we hear about often yet smart and intelligent women fall prey to the games that some men play. As they say - Love is Blind to the one who really cares and is in love . Half way through could guess that Shoba would be ditched - but did not occur that the end would result in her death: Rama Sampath Kumar

  18. A chilling story about betrayal, deception, and the lengths to which people go to in desperate situations. It's well-written and keeps the reader guessing until the very end.

  19. All too real thanks to your fine story telling. (jj)
