Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The surprise caller (693 words)

Paul rarely received personal mail—just bills and promotional flyers. With most communication done through email and phone, he hadn't visited a post office in months. So, when a handwritten envelope appeared among the usual junk, it caught him off guard. The name and address were penned in elegant cursive, hinting at a female author, though it was hard to be sure. Ever meticulous, Paul used scissors to open the envelope, revealing a small square of paper inside.

The note read:

"Please come on the 23rd at 7 PM to the address on this envelope. A surprise awaits you. This is no ruse or harm. You will be pleased with the effort. This may change your life as you wish it to be. K."

Paul didn't know anyone with the initial "K." He had no enemies, no business dealings that might lead to such a cryptic message. His life was steady and uneventful, like a calm stream. He had once deeply loved a girl—Diana, but she had moved far away with her parents. Over time, their correspondence dwindled to nothing from her,not even a birthday greeting. Yet, Paul still loved her, even writing to her recently, though his letters were met with silence.

Curiosity gnawed at him. Who was this "K"? A wealthy employer? A rival company? The possibilities spun in his mind. Unable to resist, Paul decided to go. Just in case, he informed a friend of his plans and arrived at the address—a grand bungalow with a long driveway. He did not fail to notice how well-maintained the garden was, with perfectly trimmed hedges and vibrant flowers lining the path. A butler met him at the door.

"I am Paul. I received an invitation."

"Yes, sir. We’ve been expecting you," the butler replied.

"May I ask who 'K' is?"

"Oh, Miss Katherine Bridgewater, a wealthy spinster of about 50, with estates all over the country."

"But why would she invite me? I have no connection with her."

"I wouldn’t dare guess, sir, but you’re very fortunate to be in her good graces," the butler said with a mischievous smile that made Paul uneasy.

Paul was ushered into a lavishly decorated room, where a large, imposing woman with a broad neck sat on a sofa. The room was filled with antique furniture, expensive crystal chandeliers and abstract paintings on the walls. She had a big frame, strong arms, and an infectious smile that belied the predatory gleam in her eyes.

"Welcome, Paul. It’s so sweet of you to come. Please, sit by my side. My eyesight isn’t what it used to be," she said.

Paul sat beside her, smiling politely as she took his hands and placed them on her lap.

"You’ve made my day by coming," she said, her grip firm as Paul tried to withdraw his hands. The butler entered with tea and cookies.

"May I ask why I’m here?" Paul inquired.

"How naïve you are! My dear, this meeting is likely to culminate in a romance, and possibly end in marriage," she said with a loud laugh.

Paul shot to his feet, anger rising.

"I don’t find this amusing. There’s been a mistake. I’m not interested in marriage, and I regret wasting my time," he said.

"Please, don’t be upset. You’re perfect for me. You’ll be wealthier than you can imagine. I won’t let you go until we’ve settled this," she replied, her tone serious now.

"This is absurd! I’m leaving, and if you try to stop me, I’ll call the police. I’m in love with someone else—by the name of Diana. She’s abroad, and I’ve waited three years for her return. Now, let me go," Paul demanded, heading for the door.

The butler blocked his path.

"Sir, you might want to turn around," he said.

Paul turned to see Diana sitting beside Katherine, giggling.

"Sorry, my love," Diana said as she rushed to hug him. "I returned with my parents two days ago. They know about us, and we, particularly my aunt here,wanted to surprise you before announcing our engagement."

Paul stood there, stunned, as the weight of the surprise lifted, replaced by overwhelming joy.




  1. 😃

    Nice !!!


  2. A joyful and warm story

  3. Half way through the story I was sure the ending would be something to do Diana. Nice story.

  4. Very nice with a gentle touch of romance. The way you describe the surroundings , garden and the house one can visualise the scene. Beautifully written

  5. A Pleasant story to begin the day!
    Janardhan N

  6. A Fairytale or Mills and Boon effect visualised in this nice story !

  7. Loved the story. The build up of excitement from the beginning was a nice touch. Lovely description of the characters and surrounding.A nice mills and boons story in a short story format . Great to start the day with such a pleasant story.

  8. A pleasant story. Loved two things- one Paul's unconditional & undivided love for Diana and two the description of the surroundings.

  9. Nice romantic story but the aunt was scary. If I was Paul I would think twice about marrying into that weird family

  10. It has all gotten complicated for poor Paul whose affluent Diana comes with excess baggage. (JJ)

  11. A typical Mills & Boon romance!

  12. Good story.
    I really enjoyed.

  13. Phew! All's well that ends well :)
    Sweet are the fruits of patience!
    Diana and her aunt tested him. Had he been greedy for money, he would have accepted the wealthy proposal!

  14. A very sweet romantic story! Initially Paul’s worry about Katherine’s strange invitation and interesting personality keeps things tense, but when Diana shows up, it turns into a sweet and happy surprise. It’s a nice mix of mystery and love.

  15. A very sweet romantic story! Initially Paul’s worry about Katherine’s strange invitation and interesting personality keeps things tense, but when Diana shows up, it turns into a sweet and happy surprise. It’s a nice mix of mystery and love.

  16. In a way similar to the fairy changing the pumpkin into a wonderful carriage for Cinderella, with a deft stroke of his pen, the writer changes an utterly demoralising situation for Paul into one of his dream come true!

  17. Among all the usual niceties all your stories are packed with, it's piquant that you chose the name Paul, Chittappa! Beautiful! I'm not sure how many of the men who read your story almost immediately wished we were the 'man' in the story!

  18. Very nice romantic story that ended well along with lot of wealth. P k Ramachandran

  19. Strange are the ways of surprises! Who knows what is in store? Better late than never .. a lovely story like a fairy tale - and they lived happily ever after! Rama Sampath Kumar
