it was then he saw a blue balloon floating in the air wafting towards the window by the gentle breeze. He saw the balloon fellow on the road filling gas and letting them fly above after binding them to the cart.This one had escaped from his hands somehow.The balloon rested on the window sill when a breeze started moving it.The boy acted with alacrity in catching hold of the thread to retrieve it. it was quite big.for bringing in through the grill.He tied it there.He tore a sheet from the notebook in the school bag that was also dumped along with him in the room.He scribbled some note, tied it to balloon and let it fly.
Little Rohan who was dragged by his dad to the hairdressers for a haircut saw a blue balloon resting on the tree.He stopped by and insisted that his dad gets it for him if he were quietly to get the haircut.His dad managed to get a hold on the hanging thread and slowly got the balloon..The note was in his hands.
In the evening the boy heard hurried footsteps and loud noises outside his room.The room was broken open and policemen entered to rescue the boy. The scary man along with his accomplices in this ransom bid were seen in their custody.The scribbled note could not give the exact location but the boy was smart to describe the view from his window and the McDonalds shop across the park.
But then who is the real benefactor- is it the balloon, balloon man who let go the balloon by his carelessness, the unwilling Rohan for his haircut,his dad, the Mac Donald’s shop or the policemen?