Thursday, August 22, 2024

Hook, line and sinker (833 words)


 (Given the above title the happy end is predictable) )
Anita, a bit short but beautiful, will be 25 soon and her parents have been pressing her to get married. They were worried as she was not showing any interest. She had no boyfriends too. She was assisting her father in his company in Chennai. It was a big trading firm with many branches across the country. They were wealthy.

When they were having dinner, her dad broached the subject again telling “Anita, do not think we are hustling you into something that you do not wish. I will be 65 soon and would like to hand over the reins to you in a couple of years. My health is not that good. Please do not think I am blackmailing you. I give you a free hand to choose your partner. If you wish we can suggest some or you can find one. Our only request is to do something about it before you turn 26. Our astrologer tells me that the next two months are auspicious."

"Kannamma,(an endearing way of addressing) please listen to Papa. He is telling for your good only" added her mom very softly.

"Okay, I have hit upon a plan provided you allow me a free hand. I will have an advertisement issued asking for applications for a senior executive position in our company. The parameters would be young men above 25 but below 32, professionally qualified, and willing to work in Chennai permanently. I will shortlist and call for interviews only the unmarried. If I find someone suitable, we may carry forward. Is this acceptable to you?" Anita asked.

About 20 candidates turned up. Anita with an MBA in HR took the interviews.

Some of them were not agreeable to a long binding contract and some of them despite their qualifications and expertise did not impress Anita. There were two who seemed passable but Anita wanted more. When she almost lost hope of a good outcome, a handsome young guy entered as the last candidate.

" Mr Arun, please take your seat. I am sorry you had to wait long for your turn," she said.

"Thanks, Madam. It is okay" he said as he settled down

"I have seen your resume. It is quite impressive. I have no intention to test your knowledge. This company that has asked me to select a candidate has certain values and regards itself as one large family. I am to choose one who can merge into the parivar. So, my questions may be somewhat personal which you should not mind. Okay?"

When he nodded, she asked, “I see from your resume though nearing 30, you are not married. Any specific reason for being single?"

"Nothing like that. I haven't yet come across the lady I am looking for" he said with a shy smile

"That is interesting. What sort of a person do you have in your mind?" she asked, adding as an afterthought, “Do not mind my asking,” she smiled.

“I thought I would be attending an interview for a job and not a matrimonial bureau," he said with a grin.

"Not like that. These questions are intended to ferret out the personality traits. You don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable," she said smilingly.

"Not at all. I am looking for a good-natured lady who has some aim in life and can get along with people. I mean a pleasant girl who will be a good wife and a mother. Am I asking too much?" he asked.

"Not at all. Just curious to know, you can answer if you wish to. What sort of a figure you are looking for, tall or petite, modern or traditional, outgoing or reserved and such like?"

He kept quiet for some time and when prodded, said with a mischievous smile "Someone like you, pray do not take me amiss"

"Thanks for the compliment, Arun. One important thing. Would you be agreeable to work in Chennai for the rest of your career? The opportunities for growth are very high," asked a pleased Anita

"Why not? I belong to this place and love the city" he replied.

“Okay, in a few minutes, the company's Chairman will meet you to carry this forward. Please wait in the lounge"

After about 45 minutes, Anita's father and Arun came out with the former's arm around Arun's shoulder.

" Anita, congratulations. I find Arun a perfect choice for the position. I have discussed the details. He is willing. I will talk to his parents. You may talk to him while I telephone your mom,” said her dad.

Shaking hands with her, Arun said, "I was not aware of your clever plan. Why don't we have dinner outside tonight? I too have a few personal questions to ask you. Anyway, I am happy I have got the job and lady of my choice."

Meanwhile, her dad informed Anita's mom on the phone, "Our ploy worked admirably well. Anita fell hook, line and sinker for the guy we had chosen."



  1. Interesting story. I know this story is happening India. Can happen only in India. In most other countries, you cannot ask for age and marital status in the advertisement for job.

  2. A sweet ending , indeed. Nice 👍


  3. A sweet ending , indeed. Nice 👍


  4. Nice ending Mama 😋

  5. Hmmm....Well, the boy agreed to marry her which is important for the story:)

    1. The above comment is mine:) Forgot to mention the name:) Sandhya

  6. A good story. A perfect and clever ruse by Anita's parents, luckily she fell hook, line and sinker. Father well portrayed.

  7. The story has been conceptualised very smartly. And surely a sweet one as well! In the end, everyone is happy, the readers, as also the personae dramatis!

    Anita's parents had smartly let Anita feel happy with the impression that the decision to select Arun as the groom was entirely hers.

    Despite knowing their daughter's preferences very well, Anita's parents had also presumably factored in the unlikely but not entirely impossible developments if Anita's preference zeroed into someone other than Arun!

    In all likelihood, Arun was a willing collaborator who was very much aware of the role he would have to play in the 'drama' authored by the parents of Anita. It goes without saying that he played along very well.

  8. Smart story!
    All is well that ends well :)
    Your first story with "Anita" as the heroine, right? :)

  9. I was expecting a twist at the end, but will not complain about the nice ending you chose. Interesting story!

  10. A very interesting story.

  11. Classic and loved everything about this right from the title to the dramatic ending.

  12. The parents- daughter,( a capable working woman at that) relationship in the modern times can be quite tenuous and delicate — some parts are thrilling and triumphant and some parts anxious .Your story tells us how an overall healthy loving relationship is successful where there is mutual respect and understanding .

  13. So even a clever, smart girl can be easily trapped! What happens when she discovers the ploy?

  14. Twist was inevitable in your story. Though interview itself is an out of the box idea, still the ultimate was the last sentence. Slight cheating is there from the side of the parents but it is okay for the concern of the parents to have good son- in- law. PKR

  15. Very nice.😊😊. Good to see multiple levels of outwitting towards a good cause!

  16. Now how did I know of the plot by the parents ever since Anita suggested her plan?

    Quick good read with no twists, for me.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  17. Happy ending story with the usual twist, , though the profiles of an employee and a potential heir to business would have to be different. -P.Chinnaraj

  18. A very simple romantic story. Loved it. Atin Biswas

  19. The ending was superb

  20. Surprised that the ploy played out well. :)
