Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Highway Hustler (932 words)

                                    ( An interesting short story that I hope will keep you hooked)

It was very hot on the barren highway with no trees on either side. The sun blazoned in its full fury. Naresh has been driving for two hours towards Jaipur. A little away he saw some figure getting up from the culvert on seeing his car. As he drew nearer, he found it was a young village woman with a bag in hand, clad in a sari with dishevelled hair and drenched in sweat. He saw that she was tall, and slim with well-chiselled features. He was struck with remorse at ignoring her pleading eyes and reversed the car to her side. She looked sun-tanned and tired.

“Where are you going? How long are you waiting?” he asked her

“To Jaipur, Saheb. It is more than two hours and no bus stops here.”

“Okay, get in. I am also going there” As she hesitated not knowing where to get in, he opened the front door.

He drove silently for some time and then asked “Is Jaipur your home town?”

“No, it is a village here. There is no work here. My husband is a lazy and violent alcoholic. I am leaving him for good and going in search of some work. I have some relatives there” she replied

“You look so young. Any kids?”

“Luckily no. I am married for less than two years”

He saw a service station a little away. Wishing to use the restroom, he stopped the car. He hesitated for a fraction of a second whether to leave her alone in the car. ” Do you also wish to come? “ he asked her.

When she declined, he rushed to the restroom and came back as quickly.

“Had you come, we could have had a cool drink. It is so hot outside. My throat is parched” he said and took the Bisleri bottle kept by his side and gulped half the bottle. He offered her the balance but she declined.

He would have driven hardly for 15 minutes when he clutched his head and said that he was feeling giddy. He stopped the car and with a concerned look, she had his head rest on her shoulders before he blacked out. She got out of the car, pulled him to the side seat and made him recline in a sitting posture even as she sat behind the wheel with a smirk on her face.

She opened her bag and changed into a clean and swanky salwar suit, dabbed her face with a makeup kit, combed her hair and wore sun goggles. She was transformed in a jiffy to a modern young lady as she took a turn towards Delhi. She drove for some distance till she found a service plaza. She swerved the car to the rear side and parked it. She opened the computer bag that was in the rear seat and found some money. She took the bag, opened partially one of the windows and briskly walked away.

As she came out of the plaza with a Coke bottle in hand and the computer bag, she found a car coming out of the parking lot driven by a young man. She raised her thumb and the man asked her where she was going


“Hop in,” he said as he opened the front door

She gave him one of her seductive smiles and said “It is so sweet of you. I am Lolita” as she settled down in her seat almost brushing close to him.

“I am Vinod, it is a privilege and pleasure to be of small help to you. How come you were stranded here?”

“My car broke down and I am in a hurry to Gurgaon. Luckily, I met my Good Samaritan in you “she said as she fondly patted him on his shoulder.

“What do you do for a living? Single?”

“I do many things. Though an advertisement executive by profession, I like to socialize, dance and mingle with men. I am single. How about you?” she asked not lifting her hand off his shoulder.

“Me too a single and am into real estate and fixing many lucrative deals. I look forward to a lasting friendship with you” he said as he put his hand on her thigh. She did not make any effort to brush his hand away. Emboldened he stopped the car at the side and drew her near to give her a peck.

“Not now. Later as much as you wish after we reach Gurgaon. I told you I was in a hurry. We will meet maybe tomorrow itself” she said

As he was a little disappointed, he drove silently even as she caressed his hair. As they were nearing Gurgaon. she said abruptly” Look out to your right side at the petrol pump that is a little away. Stop the car for a moment”

When he turned his head after he stopped the car, he felt a sledgehammer karate blow on the region near the neck and collar bone. He felt something crack inside as he slumped down unconscious. She quickly rummaged through his bag and found wads of currency. She filled the computer bag and threw the computer behind a bush. Making him sit in an upright position, she walked away quickly from the vehicle.

As a three-wheeler with an old driver stopped by, she got in and said “Mall”. She thrust a five hundred rupee note into the hands of the surprised driver at the mall and hurried inside with the computer bag in her hand only to melt away in the vast crowd of shoppers.

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  1. I thought she would drive away with the first car!

  2. Lolita seems to be professional!! Will she ever get caught?

  3. Hmm... I like the story ending differently with no respite being discussed for the victims.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  4. Very nice.ramakrishnsn.a.

  5. Lolita may be professional alright ,but one day law will take care of the crime and put an end to her career. I am confident law cannot be fooled.

  6. You are good at writing short stories in different genres. 👏👏👏


  7. These days never trust young women.

  8. A very captivating story!

    A thorough professional, the woman is, in picking the right preys!

    Of course, there would always be some young men who, on seeing a damsel in distress, would throw all caution to the wind and get straight onto the act of chivalry!

  9. Interesting storyline!! Nice one.

  10. A good one. Whew what a professional, scary albeit. Life is a full circle, it's a matter of time.

  11. Never ever give a ride to a hitchhiker.

  12. In Malayalam " Pala nal kallan oru nal akappedum" . She will be caught one day for sure, how smart as a professional be. Good story.

  13. Now the question arises, “ who shd be more careful, the driver picking up a hitchhiker or the hitchhiker ?”….!!!

  14. Nice one. First time on your blog. Hope to catch some more stories soon.

  15. I was looking for a twist in the end. Anyway, the narration was captivating! ...Sandhya

  16. Lesson: Never offer any help to unknown person. Ramachandran P K

  17. Amazing how you are able to come up with such different ideas

  18. A tale of the don of deceit, decoy, daredevilry, defraud...full action packed thriller!!

  19. Curious to know if there is any genre that you haven’t ventured into :)
