Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Karunakaran's Kindness (801 words)


 Savita graduated creditably five years back in English literature. Ever since she has been trying hard to get a clerical job but has yet to be successful. Wherever there was an entrance test, she cleared them but got rejected at the interview stage. They do not assign any reason and only her name is not in the final list. She is smart with good communication skills. It is not her fault that she is short, limped after a polio attack and has a flat wide nose. To make matters worse, the teeth needed to be better aligned and showed prominently.

She needed a job badly. Her mom an elementary school teacher had retired. She often approached the recruiting agency and sought to meet the MD Mr. Karunakaran. The front desk people tried to turn her away giving different reasons that he was busy or out of station or against dealing with candidates directly. But on this day, she loudly persisted until someone from inside the office came to the reception and asked that Savita be sent inside MD’s office after 10 minutes.

When she went in, she found a 55-year-old kindly-looking man completely bald and dark in complexion in a full suit. He just smiled at her and asked her to take her seat.

“I heard the commotion outside and had your file brought to me. I can understand your frustration in not finding a position despite your good credentials. I do not know why you have been overlooked by many companies to whom we had referred your name amongst others. Tell me in brief about your family, what kind of job you are looking for and how much you are expecting. I can see you have no experience whatsoever”

Savita told about her being the only child of her mom with no father and after her retirement how the two were struggling unable to pay even the small rent. She added,” I have attended dozens of interviews and many companies held some entrance test. I always did well in them and yet when the interviews took place, I could discern a change in their attitude. To be born short with a limp with an ugly face is not my fault. My mom had no money to attend to my teeth. I need not be given a front office job but there is always some position in the inner office. I am at the end of my tether, sir. It was at the height of frustration and not knowing what to do, I created a scene in your office. I wished to give vent to my feelings though I was not sure if it would help. I am willing to do any clerical job at any salary that applies to the position. But I need one immediately. I am a quick learner and lack of experience should not matter. I would be indebted if you could find some position in any company” and wiped her eyes

In a choked voice, the MD said “I understand. The world is cruel. Can you please wait for 15 minutes outside? I have some important work. I will call you. Don’t go away”

Exactly 15 minutes later, she was called in. He did not ask her to take her seat but asked her to open an envelope lying on the table addressed to her name and read the contents. She could not believe her eyes when she noticed it was an appointment letter as a junior executive in this company and the salary was much beyond her expectations. It required her to join three days hence.

With tears welling up in her eyes and choked with emotions, she came near him and bent to touch his feet. When he gently placed his hand on her head, she stood up and proffered her hands to thank him.

Moving back a little, he said,” Never mind. Take the other envelope on the table. It is an advance against your salary deductible in easy instalments. Buy some good dresses” he said

“Don’t take me amiss for not shaking hands to congratulate you. My right hand and right leg are artificial and I have undergone all the bitter experiences you have faced. It was then I started this company and my dad was a great support and encouragement. Since then, I have helped countless differently abled boys and girls. Lucky you raised your voice and insisted on meeting me. I feel my front office staff need some training on empathy and understanding” he said as he slowly ambled to her side.

“Go and share the good news with your mom. You will be working in my secretariat and gradually reduce my burden. May God's Blessings be upon you” he said and bade her adieu.



  1. Good Samaritans, though rare, are there in this world. Opportunities are always hidden behind the struggles. One should persevere till one receives the consent of the Almighty.
    Empathy is much more than sympathy, as in this state one feels for others as they feel for themselves.

  2. Your signature feel-good story .. good one

  3. Good one with an expected twist, because your title is a give away.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  4. Have we truly reached such a state?
    Must it be that only those who share the same challenges can truly understand each other?

  5. Heart is always soft.

  6. A very touching story.

  7. Good one.ramakrishnan.a.

  8. A nice story depicting empathy is the need in every person. These days only the good looking, well dressed and smooth speaking are preferred in spite of being hollow. We need to evolve to make life joyous for all.

  9. A feel good story though I wish the benefactor was just a normal person with empathy . I feel making him similar to Savita does not give the same impact that should have been there . Hopefully things change in real life . I have seen this discrimination where fashionably dressed but inefficient people are given opportunities more than others

  10. Interesting story, Liked it,

  11. Felt very happy, reading this positive story. Both of them, Savitha and Karunakaran are the best humans...We come across people like them very rarely! Very good, well narrated story, Kp,,,Sandhya


  12. It is ironic that good-looking people are perceived as more competent confident qualified for jobs even when they have the exact same credentials as other people.This negative phenomenon, known as the “halo effect,” has significantly influenced not only the hiring decisions, but in every sphere of our society.

  13. Like minded people differently abled have a better appreciation of each other's woes,ready to share and mitigate the mutual sufferings.

  14. I echo Radhika’s feeling that it would have been good if Karunakaran hadn’t been differently abled. A lovely story nevertheless!

  15. At the core of empathy is the fact that you’re able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You can understand how they are feeling because you have felt that feeling yourself. Karunakaran's kindness proves that. Nice story.

  16. Made me feel good that things worked out for her. I wish one didn't have to go through troubles to gain empathy, however, the world is not a kind place. beautiful piece of writing.

  17. The one who had to face it all before, would be the best one to appreciate the situation of another adversely placed.

  18. I liked how the Mr Karunakaran applauded Savita for standing up for herself. They say 'only the cat that cries gets the milk'!

  19. A nice and sweet story of empathy. It is not often that one finds this crucial ingredient in the human heart.

  20. A nice feel good story and happy to read about the good Samaritans in our society.

  21. Lovely feel good story :)
