Monday, July 15, 2024

A chance encounter (740 words)

I turned off the TV and looked out of the window. The city beckoned with its crowded streets, speeding cars, and neon-lit buildings. The marquee on the front of the bar and restaurant glittered in changing colours. I saw smartly dressed couples entering the restaurant, chilling out, shaking their legs, and enjoying a sumptuous dinner.

It was cold outside, so I changed into a jacket, dabbed some perfume, took my small computer bag, and stepped out toward the garage. It was an exhilarating feeling to be in the bustling street lined with tall buildings and electronic billboards.

After parking the car, I entered the restaurant and ordered a drink. The place was almost full except for my table. As I sipped the drink slowly, my eyes half-closed, I heard a rustle around me and smelled a gentle fragrance. She was a beauty, tall and lissome, with her long hair falling insouciantly on her beautiful face. A strand of oyster pearls stood out prominently on her long neck.

She seemed hesitant initially, but when I smiled and drew a chair for her, she sat down with a happy smile. When I ordered her an extra drink, she did not protest.

“I am Vivek Sharma and I live in this city. Glad I could meet you. Care to join me for dinner?” I asked.

“I am Subhasree, I was looking for an empty table. Thank you for sharing the table. I am also happy to meet you. I live in the suburbs but work here and frequent this restaurant on weekends.”

We exchanged pleasantries and drank leisurely, watching young couples dance on the floor to the brisk music. When I looked at her meaningfully, she nodded in agreement. I took out my bulging wallet from the back of my pants and put it in the bag before taking her hand to dance. The proximity of the charming lady gave me a strange feeling. We danced as if we had known each other for a long time.

“It is nice dancing with you,” she whispered in my ear, her hair brushing my nose and tickling it.

“Sure, it is. We should make it a habit every weekend. Lucky, I met you,” I said.

We returned to our table and had spring pasta with blistered cherry tomatoes. We rejoiced in our newfound friendship. I gave her my card. She promised to give me a ring when she was free.

"Can you wait for a couple of minutes? I'll drop you wherever you wish to go. Keep an eye on the bag. I'll be back in a jiffy," I said as I rushed to the restroom. There were many waiting ahead of me.

When I returned in a triumphant mood after a slight delay, I was shocked to find the table empty. The woman was nowhere to be seen. Maybe, I wondered, she had also gone to the restroom. How careless of her to leave behind my things. As I turned to check, I saw my jacket on the chair, but the computer bag was missing. I waited a few minutes before calling the waiter to learn she had left.

The bill had not been settled, and the jacket was stripped empty. It then struck me that she had not given her card or details of her whereabouts. The waiter returned to place the folding pad containing the bill.​What a sucker I was to trust an unknown woman and leave the bag with my wallet.

When the Restaurant Manager heard about my predicament corroborated by the waiter, he graciously agreed to my paying the amount the next day even when I offered to return with the money before the restaurant closed.

 I gave up hope of recovering my bag​ and as I ​lay brooding​ over my foolishness, my phone buzzed with an unknown number. Hesitant but curious, I answered.


“Vivek, it's Subhasree. I’m sorry I had to​ ​​rush urgently ​​to the hospital to see my mother who had developed complications. I ​kept the bag with me to keep it safe​ and left the jacket behind for obvious reasons.  Can we meet at the restaurant at the same time over dinner tomorrow?"

Relief washed over me, as I ​​saw her waiting with the bag at the same table and hopes surging high in me of a romantic turn. Needless to say, the wallet was in the bag.

"Love and hope are twins"- Maria Gowen Brooks



  1. A nice story. Loved the concluding quote. Love and Hope are very much needed in everyone's life. Keep writing

  2. Apt quote for a nice story. You are very talented.

    Take care Periappa.

  3. Hmm....possible story.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  4. Love and hope are twins - what a beautiful and powerful statement - thanks for sharing. Regards - Mahesh

  5. KP Sir, you had created the right environment for us readers to become highly sensitive to the various senses in that atmosphere. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are picking up stimuli from all around us, which is why when something changes, we too get immersed in the feelings and moods of the main character.You have made us put ourselves in your character’s shoes and start agreeing with everything that he thinks or does , be it right or not!

  6. A twist on a twist! - a very beautiful story 😊

  7. A good story .

  8. Must admit that, like a classic opera director, the writer made me 'twist and turn' with his deft notes in building up the story!

    And what a way to describe the mystery lady whose long hair fell 'insouciantly' on her beautiful face!

  9. Unexpected ending - all is well that ends well

  10. Both Love and hope are intertwined to have a successful living. As a norm the writer has made the 'twists and turns' keeping his readers spellbound .

  11. Love the story!! Keeps you hooked on in anticipation of the turn of events.

  12. Timely communication is necessary lengthy relationship. Just saying. (JJ)

  13. Your narration keeps us on the edge till the end! Nice story!

  14. Just when I thought I knew the ending from a mile away... Wonderful twist!

  15. A nice story.ramakrishnan.a.

  16. There is no justification for Subashree leaving suddenly whatever be the emergency. She could have left a note,or given info to bearer or restaurant owner or called up Vivek Sharma before leaving as his business card was with her. Much of Vivek's palpitation could have been avoided had he kept his valuables with himself rather than hand over to a stranger who had not shared her contact details. I don't appreciate Vivek's infatuation and careless behaviour.
    Story is interesting with its usual KP twists and turns with an object lesson for all.

  17. Good one! A double twist- what fun!

  18. Subhashini SukumarJuly 16, 2024 at 2:24 PM

    Love and Hope never let's you down.
    Nice Encounter. 💖

  19. A nice feel good story!

  20. Captivating description of the bustling city life and an unexpected encounter and a lost connection. Delightful story of chance meetings and the unexpected kindness of strangers.

  21. Nice story with twists and turns to a happy ending

  22. Sir, When I read your short stories, I shut the door to my imagination and read till the end; reason being they are unique in nature. Also, my vocabulary is enriched by a few words with every story that you post.
    Very nice story Sir. Humanity and morality still pervade this earth.
    We may draw conclusions swiftly, but the reality could be something different. Regards

  23. Subhashree is vey beautiful beyond doubt. The introduction in para 3 says in all. Yiur skill and romantic sense is superb👌 Regards P K Ramachandran

  24. Just when I thought the moral of the story would be don't trust strangers, it turned right around! By now I should have known better!

  25. Nice story :) but doesn't hurt to be careful around strangers :)

  26. Your imagination at its best. Every story is so real and exciting. A little twist when she was missing from the scenario. But everything ended well. Thanks for all that you are doing. Such a stress buster. Keep rocking.
