Saturday, July 27, 2024

Happy Birthday (630 words)


Mathew, Mat for short, went to the confectioners to collect a large birthday cake. He saw a nine-year-old boy staring at the shelves inside through the glass door. As he came out after collecting the cake, he saw the boy still there watching inside.

"Hey, what are you looking at for quite some time?"

"Nothing, Sir" he replied

"Come on, tell me. You won't be looking at nothing for such a long time"

The boy hesitated for a while and then said “I was wondering whether I can get a bar of chocolate for my mom. It is her birthday and chocolates are her favourites. But I have only a five-rupee coin."

"It is ok. I will get you a bar and also a small cake to celebrate her birthday" Mat said and bought a few bars of chocolates and a medium-sized cake. "Where do you live? You may drop these packets down. I will drop you in my car. Hop in"

The car stopped before a small tenement. "Won't you step in for a few minutes, Sir, to see my mom? It is a special day for her made brighter by you" the boy said.

To keep the boy in good humour, he readily agreed and entered the darkish room. The boy switched on the light and there was no one there. It was a single-room tenement.

Suspecting the boy had played a ruse on him, Mat asked him “Where is your mom? I don't see anyone here"

“One minute, Sir”. He went to the other side of the room, stood up on a stool and lit a small candle. There was a picture of a young woman. He rubbed the glass with his shirt.” This is my mom. Today is her birthday. Can we open the packets before her and light a candle and sing a birthday song?” he innocently asked.

Mat could not stop his eyes from becoming moist.” Surely, who else is there? What about your dad? Any brother or sister?” he asked

“Dad is gone years even before Mom. Mom died a few months before. There is no one else”

“Are you staying alone then? Where do you eat?” he asked with concern

“My dad’s brother lives with his family in the adjacent tenement. But they did not like my mom. I work in the cycle repair shop and the master gives me food in the afternoon and some snacks in the evening.’

Mat opened the box and lit the candle on the cake. They both sang Happy Birthday song. He put the cake in the boy’s mouth.

“Now, will you come with me to celebrate another birthday at my house and I will drop you back”

The car sped along to a big house. The door was opened by a young lady. "I have brought a young guest for your birthday,” he said as he ushered the boy into the hall.

“What is your name, young chap?’ she asked smilingly.


“Hahaha, Bruce Lee? Show me your muscles” she asked

As the boy folded his hand to show a small bulge, she hugged him and kissed him on his head.

“Hey Bruce, you be here watching the fish in the tank. We will be in a minute. You must help me set the cake and candles” Mat said

As they went to the room, Mat told her “This boy is an orphan. I met him accidentally. He looks charming and well-behaved. If you like, we can bring him up as our own. Mind you, only if you like. He will provide us meaning and purpose to our lives.”

Bruce in high spirits danced and sang to the glee of the couple as they celebrated both his Mom's and Mat's wife's birthday on the same day.



  1. Loved it. Simple and sweet!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  2. A beautiful heart warming story. Wish adopting a child was so easy!

  3. God Almighty decided to unite two needy people,one boy need parents and the couple needed a child to adopt. It is
    a miracle or predestined!

  4. Nice story! Actual this looks like a New Bruce's birthday! ...Sandhya

  5. Beautiful! Such moments of love and kindness is seldom seen but nevertheless happen. Enjoyed reading 💕Rama Sampath Kumar

  6. It almost ready like the script of popular Thai banking and insurance ads, happy ending, very rare in reality. Regards - Mahesh

  7. You subtly reflect the humanity and kindness in your stories, where the goodness always gets blessed. Thank you for such heart warming stories.

    Chitra Solomon

  8. A predictable end to a heart warming story, yet I found myself willing the author to end it on that happy note, without an unfortunate twist.
    Well done, in giving the story the end I wanted

  9. This is such a feel good story, wish that we have such fairy tale endings to the miseries of life.

  10. The depiction of core humane values throughout the story gives the reader a sense of fulfilment.

  11. The present
    is a feather
    on loan from
    the wings of time
    That only attention
    makes beautiful
    and only kindness

  12. A touching story that seldom happens in real life.

  13. Compelling story, simple yet captivating and thought-provoking theme that explores the power of words left unsaid!!

  14. Lakshmi SrinivasanJuly 28, 2024 at 11:18 AM

    A warm and beautiful story. I like the positive spirit in your stories. If you do good to others, the universe will return it in multifold, even if it is done without expectations.

  15. I think this is the correct way of celebrating birthdays.
    Nice article.

  16. Nice story. P K Ramachandran

  17. Sweet and heartwarming :) lovely :)

  18. Good!

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy
