Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Hidden Sacrifice (505 words)

“Usha, can you drop by today? It’s urgent,” said Divya’s mom.

“Sure, Aunty. Is something wrong? I haven’t spoken to Divya in days,” I replied.

“It’s about Divya. She’s not herself. She barely eats, isolates herself in her room, and hasn’t gone to work for three days. We’re worried. Can you visit around lunchtime, casually?” Aunty pleaded.

Divya and I had been close friends since school. Our paths diverged—me becoming a doctor, and she a management graduate—but we stayed in touch. I work with my husband at a military hospital. Divya had been in love with Vikas, an army officer, for over three years, and they planned to marry. He was transferred north about a year ago.

When I reached Divya’s place, her mom whispered that she was in her room upstairs and asked me to find out what was wrong discreetly. “Don’t worry, Aunty. I’ll find out.”

I knocked on Divya’s door gently. No response. Louder. Still nothing. “Usha here. Open up,” I shouted through the keyhole.

The door creaked open, revealing Divya’s swollen, red eyes. “Usha? What are you doing here? Did mom call you?”

“I called your office yesterday. They said you were on leave. I was passing by and thought I’d check on you,” I replied.

“Come in. Let me wash my face,” she said, disappearing into the bathroom.

When she returned, I asked, “Why were you crying? I heard you haven’t been to work for days and you’ve been isolating yourself. Are you in touch with Vikas? Don’t hide anything.”

She handed me a letter from Vikas, dated two weeks ago.

Dear Divya,

Brace yourself. I narrowly escaped death at the border. My friend Pandey saved me, sacrificing his life. His last wish was for me to care for his sister, who is now alone. She has no parents, no skills, and is dependent on him. Over the month I spent comforting her, she grew attached to me. Torn between you and her, I decided to honour my debt to Pandey by marrying her. I am sure, with your qualifications and charm, you’ll find someone else. Please forgive me.


I hugged Divya. “I understand your pain. It’s a betrayal, no matter his reasons. You need to move on. Go back to work, visit me, meet new people, and have some fun.”

Two months later, I was temporarily posted at Chandigarh Military Hospital. On my second day, I recognized a name on a patient file: Vikas Kumar. The chief nurse told me he was an army officer severely injured, losing both legs and with one arm badly hurt.

I went to his bed; he was sleeping. “How long has he been here?” I asked.

“Six months,” the nurse replied.

“Any visitors?”

“None. He dictated a letter a couple of months ago to a woman once, which I typed.”

Tears rose as I realised Vikas’s true love and sacrifice for Divya. His letter was merely a ploy to divert her mind away from him, handicapped as he was now.

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  1. Interesting story. Very nice of Vikas to inform this way to Divya.

  2. This is true love.. a lovely read indeed! Truth and a lie are sometimes equally honourable. Rama Sampath Kumar

  3. A nice story. An admirable gesture by Vikas keeping Deepa in mind.

  4. True love is exhibited. Vikas really wants Divya to lead a better life than to hang on to him for whole life attending to an invalid man. This may be one of the few real life cases. Nice story

  5. Interesting story.ramakrishnan.a.

  6. Very moving story with an unexpected twist

  7. Very touching! There seem to be so many different ways to show your love!

  8. Prarabdham led Divya to Vikas though he well intended to sacrifice. It is God's will that prevails!

  9. A lovingly simple story told so tenderly.

  10. Guessed the end but an enjoyable read nonetheless !

  11. Very touching story. You did it ! Nice. You are very good at capturing characters’ emotions

    Take care , Periappa

  12. KP Sir! You do provoke tears and deep emotions in us , readers, when you open a genuine window into your characters. You made us feel authentic sadness and sympathy for both the main characters , Vikas and Divya, at the right emotional moment.

  13. A powerful story! It was nice to see Divya starting to move forward with her life. This is a beautifully written story that explores love, loss, and sacrifice.
    (My latest post: UK Tour 06 - Beamish Museum)

  14. Reminds me of an old movie. Similar story. Loved the movie then. Love your story now. Nonetheless, a lovely read.

  15. I thought an army man will not backout from the girl he was planning to marry. Vikas loves her sincerely and so wanted her to be happy in her life. Very good story, touched my heart, Kp...Sandhya

  16. I have a sense of Deja Vu as I read this story, with different names, in different languages, right from my adolescence.

    I knew the answer, soon as I read Vikas' letter. It was that predictable.

    No sir, you have to write something unthinkable! 😃🤣

    Thank you for sharing!🙏

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  17. Fair enought...but doesnt she have a right to choose....

  18. A true soldier sacrificing everything

  19. Real sacrifice for the true love. P k Ramachandran

  20. The supreme sacrifice. Life is strange, love stranger, one never can fathom the true emotions.

  21. A touching and emotional story. Soldier sacrifices his love as well life for others to be happy. Beautifully narrated the character's emotions too.

  22. Beautiful story. Depicts true love and sacrifice.
    Life is one hurdle race. This moulds ones character leading to evolution.

  23. Very sad. Need more uplifting stories from you!

  24. It must have been a tough call! I wonder what happens to the many wounded soldiers.

  25. I remember watching a movie with similar storyline, only, in that they both come face to face and accept each other for better or worse. Very nice story, though Vikas not getting any visitors is a bit strange. What about his family?

  26. For all we know, Divya may have strongly preferred to spend her life with Vikas despite his handicap. Surely, love is blind.

    There is no virtue in kindness fueled by a lie. Better to be kind-fully truthful. (JJ)

  27. This one is too sad, Periappa. But well written with the twist in the tale

  28. Somehow, I was able to anticipate this, maybe this is kind of bollywood style..nevertheless a heartwarming story that had the trials and tribulations of the soldiers serving our country.

  29. Touching story.
    Salute our soldiers who sacrifice everything for our nation. Jai Hind.

  30. Loved the story but an emotional one. Respect the soldiers who sacrifice their lives for the country. State of mind of Vikas is also painful. Your imagination is not just creative but realistic too. Every story is beautiful. You are able to capture the emotions of every character so well.
