Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Perilous Walk (746 words)

              (Please write your name under the comment if you post anonymously)                                       

The weather in this East Coast city is always pleasant and ideal for a walk at any time of the day. The well-kept pathways wind through undulating roads. Despite the salubrious climate, there were not many who walked regularly, save an occasional old lady with her dog or a stray young couple jogging along.

 I always took the pathway that ran along the main road. In my usual route, there was one place where the pathway forked with one of them taking the walkers through a heavy thicket almost forest-like on both sides. The semi-circular path eventually joined the main road. Once you are on that narrow path you never know what lies beyond the bushes and how far the forest extends.

My grandson used to scare me that coyotes are generally seen though a big bear had appeared once from the forest on the main road. I therefore avoided going through that usually deserted way though the young boy would plead with me to take that route and even succeeded once in taking me along with him on this trail. Despite being longer and rugged, it was cool and quiet except for the chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves and the distant sound of flowing water possibly through some creek inside the greenery.

It was one fateful weekday when I cast aside the usual caution and in a fit of bravado ventured alone  into that route. Everything went fine till I went deep into that narrow pathway that was partially hidden from sunlight. Suddenly, there appeared, a little away, two rattlesnakes intertwined in the middle of the path. I knew they were venomous from the rattling sound that emanated from their tails. I stopped abruptly wanting to turn back and rush to the open space. Though the vipers did not slither towards me, they were watching my every move. I stood still almost petrified afraid of provoking them to attack me. A few minutes passed by and they showed no inclination to disappear into the shrub but remained where they were watching me through their sharp glistening eyes.

Just then I heard the shuffling of feet behind me. Wondering whether it could be some joggers, I turned to see to my great horror a large bear with stocky legs, dark and shaggy hair and a dirty wet snout, ambling towards me. With danger from both sides and with no exit sideways, I was paralysed with fear. My throat went dry, my limbs numb, and the sweat drenched my clothes. It was my bad luck I had left my cell phone on the dining table. The bear was closing in and its angry snorts made no secret of its violent intentions.

As I stood frozen in fear, something pulled me inside the shrubbery away from the road. Strangely I could see no one around making me confused. It was scary but the thought that I had escaped from the poisonous snakes and the terrifying bear gave me a momentary relief.

 I had a glimpse of the stream with gurgling water for a moment before I noticed to my utter shock two crocodiles slowly crawling towards me. I moved backwards with my body coming into contact with the thick foliage when I felt a hand press my shoulders. Slightly relieved I turned to see again to my great horror a pair of bony hands clasping my neck. There was an eerie laughter that sent a chill in my spine and the last I remember was the scream I let out before fainting.

I heard indistinct voices and several hands gently shaking me when I opened my eyes in the large lounge of the North Shore Mall. There were anxious eyes on me and I was blinking awkwardly. It was then my grandson and daughter came running from the nearby Apple store and asked me with great worry “What happened, Appa? Are you ok? You declined to come with us preferring the lounge to watch the jungle picture on the TV. Why did you scream?”

When I kept quiet, someone who was sitting by my side said “He was uttering something about snakes, crocodiles and bears. Maybe he dozed away while seeing the jungle picture”

There were peals of laughter to the chagrin of my grandson and the embarrassment of my daughter. On our way back home in the car, my grandson said emphatically to my daughter “Mom, I will no longer accompany Grandpa to the mall”

(I visited North Shore Mall recently and remembered this old and scary story written more than a decade back. It may be new for many of my current readers and a repeat thrill to the long-time patrons)



  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. How embarrassing it must have been ! A good laugh


  2. There is a reasonable interpretation for the nightmare you endured while snoozing at the mall. The snakes, bear, crocodiles represented retail stores in the mall that are poised grab all of your money if you let your guard down. (JJ)

  3. Little wonder, the crowd around didn't shout, thinking " who is this creature so big and strong" and watched him snoring and snoring , and abruptly burst into peels of laughter? ---- Ha, Ha, Ha, ... Such a beautiful story !!

  4. Far better to be a bit embarrassed rather than really in the situation described!!

  5. Hold fast to dreams
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird
    That cannot fly. [Langston Hughes]
    Janardhan N

  6. Interesting nightmare. Did you notice any crocodile tears?

  7. A good one, can well imagine how embarrassed you would have been and more than you, your dear grandson and daughter.

  8. Rama Sampath Kumar:
    What a gripping story! Never guessed it was a dream till the end! All seemed real … love the way you spin stories! They come so very naturally to you.

  9. Snakes, bear, bony hands, crocodile.. was thinking it’s a bit much but loved the ending ! Good one! I also must say I liked the comment with the interpretation of the nightmare representing retail stores in the mall!😁

  10. I was reading along thinking snakes, bear, bony hands, crocodile all a bit much, but the ending made me laugh! A good one again! I also like the comment interpreting the nightmare to represent the retail stores in the mall!😁

  11. A nice story. What we watch in TV unknowingly gets into our thoughts / dreams. Good one.

  12. Ha ha ha :) a good story :) it was fun to read :)

  13. Initially it appeared as real but in middle it seemed like a dream. The end is filled with great laughter. Recently I had a dream of two snakes encircled my legs and in trying escape fell down from the bed, escaped with a small bruise. PK Ramachandran

  14. Indeed, what a perilous walk had it been, even if it ultimately turned out to be a nightmare!

    As an 'outsider', one could go through the dreadful sequence of developments in peace, because these were apparently being experienced by someone else!

    What a thriller from the champion blog writer!

  15. KP Sir, confess! Surely this story is not fiction but your own personal experience! :))

  16. This dozing off while reading is something that I too experience now a days.

  17. 😀😀😀😀 Funny and scary dream 😀😀😀 Regards - Mahesh

  18. Very realistic! The joke is on the readers

  19. What a breathtaking story with a pleasant twist at the end! Reminded me of my horror dreams of not many years ago!! Atin Biswas

  20. Dreams are strange. When want to escape from reality it haunts us when we fall asleep!

  21. Loved this breathtaking story. KP, I simply admire your command on English language. I wish I could write like you!!

  22. This is akin to an action thriller and I felt was watching it on netflix!!! The repertoire of words to capture the jungle book in all its petrifying essence is remarkable.

  23. Good one. Thank you.

    By the way writing a name would fail the very purpose of being anonymous!😃😎

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy

  24. Lovely one. Something different and I did not realize that it was a dream till the end. It must have been embarrassing for the family. Keep writing. We are happy reading.
