Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Bit Role (500 words)

There was an office drama to be performed on New Year's Eve. Vijay did not wish to take part but was compelled by peer pressure to accept a bit role. He relented for a part that had no dialogue. As a passer-by on the road, he was to faint and fall on the platform abruptly. That called for no histrionic skill but only the ability to fall naturally. With regular practice, he accomplished it with finesse in the day’s rehearsal during lunch interval.

He suddenly remembered that he was to withdraw 50 thousand rupees and rushed to the bank nearby. It was moderately crowded. As he was writing the cheque on the tall desk, he observed one lanky guy with a Hitler moustache watching him from a corner. Neither did he like the man’s creepy look nor his slouching figure with a cigarette in hand in a NO SMOKING area.

 He turned his face away from him and was waiting for his number to be called. The guy came surreptitiously and sat in the adjacent chair. There were a few people near the teller. As Vijay approached the teller on his number appearing on the board, he saw the man also following him. But he ignored him till he felt a metallic thing press his hip after he pocketed the money he received. The ruffian whispered in his ears, “Walk normally towards the gate if you don’t wish to get hurt”

Vijay glanced around and saw people minding their own business, filling forms, depositing money, receiving cash or just waiting for numbers to appear. The crook nudged him asking him to move forward quickly. He seemed ruthless with a scar across his cheek confirming his criminal past but nobody seemed to watch Vijay being herded by the crook.

He started perspiring heavily as the nudge became a shove. Suddenly the idea hit him- the rehearsal. The next moment he crumbled like a pie by fainting on the floor with a resounding thud. Everyone turned towards him and rushed around him forming a circle, feeling him and gently nudging him. Someone sprinkled water on his face from a bottle. The crook moved away sensing the inopportune situation. The anxious people heaved a sigh of relief when Vijay opened his eyes. He looked around to find the crook no more in the vicinity.

He sat up and said” Thank you all. I think it was a sudden blackout. I am fit to go. Can a couple of you kindly escort me to my vehicle?”

As he sat at the wheel, he told the kind-hearted gentlemen, “Do not worry. I am fully fit and can drive safely. Thanks a bunch for the support.’

As he drove away, Vijay couldn’t help but chuckle. Who knew his bit role in the office drama would turn out to be such a lifesaver? He felt a surge of gratitude for his realistic act and, for once, didn’t mind the peer pressure that had pushed him into it.




  1. Very interesting simple story. Thoroughly enjoyed it. 👌👌 Atin Biswas

  2. In the Indian context, it is better to be skilled in various forms of self-defense and some offender too! Never know, when it will come useful!!!
    Janardhan N

  3. :-) :-) Superbly creative and really light and entertaining!!

  4. Good one 😀 Presence of mind rescues Vijay. Regards - Mah

  5. Ha ha. A fall a day keeps the robber away:)

  6. Quick thinking by Vijay! Nice one.

  7. What a plot! Only you can come up with such unusual plots and make them work like a charm to turn out a great story, KP!

  8. Fantastic idea to escape from the robber

  9. I am reminded of a dialogue in Hindi film 'Anand' delivered by Johny Walker, Life is a puppet show,each one of us have a miniscule of role to play, the strings are held by the Almighty.

  10. Presence of mind and the bit roles, saved the day for Vijay. Nice narration.

  11. Lakshmi SrinivasanJuly 25, 2024 at 4:15 PM

    Lovely story with the right ending. Enjoyed reading it with a smile on my face at the end.☺️

  12. A super mini story !

  13. In Tamil , we refer it as சமய யோசனைப் புத்தி Good one 👏👏👏

    Chitra Solomon

  14. Nice story. Simple and beautifully sewn without any needle or thread. P k Ramachandran

  15. Great presence of mind by Vijay.

  16. Lovely story.ramakrishnan.a.

  17. That's creativity, love the way you adopt situations to tell an interesting tale with a twist. Thanks to.vijay's presence of mind rather Eureka moment.

  18. Very nice storyline, periappa. Goes to show that it's all for the best. No skill goes to waste. Enjoyed reading this

  19. Even for an office drama, howsoever inconsequential the role might have appeared initially, an immaculate execution of it in a real life situation came to the ultimate rescue!
    What an amazing presence of mind!

  20. Today I learned a new skill to discretely yet naturally find help in unexpected situations! I am now heading to practice falling, haha!

  21. There is a reason for everything or most things! We realise it much later.. It reminds me of my brother in law who had to cancel the Air India flight in 1966, a day before and he escaped the plane crash on Mount Blanc. When the actor with the tiny role was being made to follow instructions with the knife behind his back, somehow guessed he would pretend to faint! Well narrated with a moral behind: small things in life should never be ignored as one never knows the reason behind. Rama Sampath Kumar.

  22. Very well narrated story! Vijay's presence of mind to act quickly saved him ....his practice in falling down helped him....Sandhya

  23. Vijay, who is street smart, knows how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations, especially in big cities.And street smartness cannot be learned from text books.:-))

  24. Vijay, is street smart , one who knows how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations, especially in big cities.And street smartness cannot be learned from text books.:-))

  25. Nicely written compact story. It would be ironic if the crook also was a thespian well versed in his villainous role. (JJ)

  26. God continuously sends signals for our well-being. We only need to realize it and act upon it at the right moment (which is also pre-determined by Him).

  27. Great presence of mind exhibited at a time when we will be in a state of panic and trauma! From reel to real that worked in his favour!

  28. Very interesting. One has to be very careful at every step these days.

  29. Short but fun and interesting story to read! :)

  30. Lovely story :) Superb presence of mind :)

  31. This is a good story to enjoy!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Best wishes and warm regards
    Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy
